Monday, February 23, 2009

A Time To Stand

In this current day that we live in it is now that Christians need to stand more than ever. Our new President and those in Congress are on a whirlwind of change and sadly not for the better. The stimulus, or spend-u-lous plan, has created a far worse condition than we started off with. Just as with other problems in our country the Federal Gov. believes that the best way to deal with it is to throw money at it. Now, there is only three ways that the government can obtain the monies needed for this type of plan. We will either be taxed, the money will be borrowed, or the money will be printed, which is what the government is currently doing. I am sad to say that if things do not change we will possibly see the days of our great grandfathers and mothers.

Ephesians 6 tells us that we need to stand and stand clothed in the whole armour of God. Now this particular scripture also says that we war against the principalities, and the powers of the air which we know that to be Satan and his demonic servants. Why do I mention this? I mention this because of the weakness of man. Though we as Gods children are saved, and that to be for eternity, are still in the flesh and in the flesh, in the sin nature. Satan will tempt us with these times to turn us away from the faith and the truth of the word which plainly says that he, through the spirit, will never leave us nor will he forsake us. The same promise that he gave Joshua when he became the leader of his people, he still gives and provides to us today as the new testament church. I am glad to know that his promises never fail. One never knows what tomorrow holds but we know who holds tomorrow. I believe that in the months to years ahead we will see more of a falling away, the great apostasy, from the church and from the only true way which is Jesus Christ. We need to be in a manner of prayer every day that if and when we are tempted to follow those who will no doubt give in, that we are strong enough to withstand his onslaught of fiery darts and stand showing ourselves and others that the devil can't get us all. We will need to be a modern day Job. My prayer is not only for myself, my family, my church. my friends, but for all of my spiritual brothers and sisters to withstand in this ever changing time.

I'll pray for you, please pray for me as we journey on to the kingdom that is yet to come, a kingdom not made with hands.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Christian Maturity/ Forgiveness

Forgiveness; being defined it means, "the act of forgiving; to pardon an offender by the which he is considered not guilty".(Noah Websters American Standard English Dictionary).

Forgiveness, and true forgiveness, can only come by having a personal relationship with Christ. It was his forgiveness that allowed us to have a personal relationship with him. Pretty elementary biblical principle. However, when we do come to a personal relationship with Christ, then we also must understand that he expects us, actually requires us to follow in his footsteps. Why should we forgive others? I've listed below three reasons that we should forgive others.

1. Christ commands us:

a. Mark 11: 25-26: Jesus speaking here explains to the disciples, and, to us as well, that if we cannot forgive others, then his father, God, will not forgive you. A statement that is not made of man but of Christ himself.

b. Luke 17: 4: "thou shalt forgive him". No matter even if it is seven times he comes to you and repents of his wrong against you, Christ says then seven times "thou shalt forgive him". When Christ uses these two words, "thou shalt", it leaves no room for any mis-interpretation.

2. Paul compels us:

a. Eph. 4: 25-32: In this chapter and in these verses, Paul speaks of five things that we were once bound in or in bondage to in the former life before Christ, and the things we need to do to replace the former things now that we have a new life in Christ,(I'll leave it up to you to search these things out). The one thing we need to do is to forgive others. At one place in our life we would not forgive, but now that we are in Christ a new creature, we need to forgive others and work out what it is that brought us to the point of having to forgive and be forgiven. Verse 17 Paul says that "I testify in the Lord" in other words he is only restating what Christ has already said. He is compelling us to get to the point of our christian maturity that we can forgive. Ephesians 2:2 & 4:22 also compels us to this end.

3. Love constrains us:

a. Col. 3: 12-14: Here Paul speaks of Christian Virtues, and virtue being strength and morality. We are to be able to "forbear" and to "forgive". We are to bear with others and during this we are to also forgive. Understand that we all are developing our virtues and maturing in our walk that there will be times that others will do something that will either hurt our feelings, or, do something that will get to us, but we are to at that time be able to forgive. The problems that we have in this area is that we to often allow things to grow and grow until we get to the point that we have a difficult time talking with the individual let alone forgiving them. This should not be in the Christian life. Christians can disagree without being disagreeable.

b. 1 Cor. 3: 13: It is here stated that charity, love, is the greatest, even of faith and hope. When we love right then we will live right. We cannot love right if we do not have the love of Christ living and dwelling within us. 1 Peter 4: 8 says that "charity shall cover the multitude of sins". We will not continue to re-hash over and over what has been done to us if we love correctly. We will not talk to others about the issue before we talk to the one who has created the issue according to Matt. 18: 15-17. Love will truly cover our sins if we only live in the realm of a Christ like love.

I encourage everyone who reads this blog to examine yourself and see where you stand in the area of forgiveness, I know that I have.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I spoke to our congregation last evening concerning faith. Jude 3 was were I took my text. "ye should earnestly contend for the faith". In this passage Jude points out what was needed for the Christians of that day and one that spills over to present day as well.

What is faith? We notice in Hebrews 11:1, the author, of which I believe to be the apostle Paul, gives us both a definition and a description of what faith is and what it gives to the Christian.

1. Faith is substance. Of what? It is the substance of hope. Hope in the coming of our Lord to redeem his Church. Hope in that his word is sure. And hope of the future glorification of his saints.

2. Faith is evidence; Of what? It is the evidence of seeing the Lord work in the lives of those around us as well as in our life itself. We see the evidence of this faith when one comes to know the Lord as Saviour. We see evidence of faith when we see the Lord answer prayer.

Jude 3 again tells us to "earnestly contend for the faith" The word contend means to "fight for". I am reminded of a prize fighter who wants to win the title. He prepares himself months in advance to fight with all he has for that title. He realizes that there is possibility that he might be knocked out or be cut to the point of not being able to continue on, but the fears do not stop him. He trains and trains until the night of the fight. When he steps into the ring and now faces the opponent, he is relying on all of the training, all of his preparation to carry him through to win the title. That is what Jude is saying to us as well. We have been training and training, preparing ourselves to meet the challenges that lie ahead. Temptation is on every side, without faith in the Lord to give us the strength that we need to withstand and to resist, we would no doubt fall and fall again every time temptation is there. Test are a part of every Christians life. There have been times that the test have been tough. And times that I did not think that I would get through them. It was my faith in the Lord that carried me through. Others encouraged me to keep going on and it was there faith, directed towards me, that helped me through. When others see that our faith works, and that things are accomplished through faith, then it gives them more reason to "contend for the faith".

Jude 20 says that we are to build ourselves up in our "most holy faith". We do this through prayer and time with the Lord. We do this by getting into Gods word and not just reading it, but studying it the way we should. What great mountains are moved with just a little faith, but what greater mountains are moved with greater faith. I have never noticed in the bible where the Lord said to be mountain climbers, but he has said in his word that with faith we can tell the mountain to move and it will be done. Why then do we want to be mountain climbers when through faith the mountain can be removed? Abraham and Issac are brought to mind when speaking of mountains. Abraham is to offer Issac as a sacrifice. Now, not only was it the physical mountain Abraham and Issac were climbing, but I believe in a greater since was the spiritual mountain that they were both climbing. Issac not yet realizing that it would be he that would be offered, and not yet seeing the sacrifice that he had been used to seeing at the times of sacrifice. Abraham, wondering why God, whom he loved, would want him to do such a thing to his son, a son of promise. Abraham's obedience is no doubt seen in this truth of the word, but I see his faith as well. I see it when he says to Issac, "God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering", Gen 21:8. The Lord will never tempt us with evil but will test our faith. Abraham, after the test, would no doubt have more complete faith in God by seeing what God would do when he was faithful to God. This was also a learning lesson for Issac, that when you are faithful and obedient to God that He will supply all of your needs.

Col. 2:7, Paul says to be "stablished in the faith", meaning to be established in faith. There is one reason that Christian people cannot ever win the battles in their lives and that is that they are not established in the faith. They do not believe that the Lord will do for them what he said he would do. Therefore they never exercise their faith. Faith is like a muscle, if it is not used, then it becomes weak and then when you really have to apply it , it will not be able to hold the wait. We must be established in our faith. It was good enough to save us, it is good enough to keep us, and it will be good enough to carry us through.

Faith, what an amazing gift that the Lord gave us and continues to give us on a daily basis!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Lights Are On !

It has been a long two weeks here in Kentucky. We lost power at the house on a Tuesday and have just now received the power back. Praise the Lord! My family and I have been staying with my mother at her apartment. We were cramped but thank the Lord we had a place to go. Many lost there power like us and had to stay several nights at local shelters, eating the infamous F.E.M.A. meals, which are really nothing more than military food. Of course the call came out to be careful and not eat the peanut butter,( I wounder just how many ate it before they made that call?). Now it's on to re-group and get things back in order.

During this time, I noticed the evil side of man as well as the good side. There were some who were threatening the utility workers if they did not receive their power, yet at the same time there were some who were doing all they could do to help one another out. Others were actually stealing peoples food and kerosene for their heaters, while others were helping fill each others tanks and loading it in the vehicle for them. Amazing how ones true colors come out during a time of crisis. It reminds me of the Apostle Paul and how in Romans 8 he talks of the Spirit and the flesh. Also how he himself had to battle the flesh in Romans 7. Bro. Paul tells us in Galatians 5: 16 & 17, that if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, and that the Spirit and the flesh "lusteth" against one another, meaning to have desires of different things. We are certain that this flesh whether saved or unsaved still has a sin nature, and if we are not careful we too will "fulfill the lust of the flesh". It is so easy to get aggravated at the circumstances and so easy to let minor things really bother us more than they should. We have to keep in mind who we are serving. We also have to keep in mind just how our actions have an affect on someone else around us negative or positive. If I could simply live by these simple rules of the Christian life, how much more of a witness could I be if I were to shine a light in the dark places of my life?

I know by reading Gods word that here we will never be perfect, and yes just as the saints of old had to deal with day to day problems physical and spiritual, we will have them as well. We will not always when every battle that we face, but Praise the Lord we will win the war!!

Please pray for those that are working on the power lines and for those that are still without power as well. I pray that the Lord will use this time to open the eyes of those that are still in the spiritual darkness.