I am sending this blog to those who truly believe that God can answer prayers. The church that I pastor have a need that we need much prayer for. We just found out that we have a major mold issue at the building and that we are not sure that the insurance will cover the cost of getting things cleaned up before our August revival. We found out that our building has foundational leaks and that when it rains for several days that the water will come up through our drain lines to the outside, something called "back flow" problems. This is what has created the mold issues in the basement. Of course when you speak of mold, you are talking about something that usually cannot be cleaned up very quickly. Of course we cannot do the clean up ourselves with all the health issues related to this issue, so we just need your prayers to the Lord that he will provide the needed help and assistance that we need. We have contacted our ins. carrier and are awaiting a call from the adjuster, so until then we stand waiting. The building is an old building and I am sure that when constructed none of these problems were problems then. I don't mean to go on and on. We really need the prayers of all those that read this blog ! It may come to the point that we might have to ponder selling the building. If that is what the Lord wants then that is what we will do. I know prayer does change things. I have seen God take a man who had stage 4 cancer and reduce it to stage 2. I have seen the Lord take a lady who the doctors gave no hope to because of her cancer and after the saints began to pray, the doctors found no trace of it. So, what I am saying is that prayer works !( These things that I just mentioned has happened within the last few months .)
Please, please pray for and with us that God will open up the doors and pour us out a blessing. Not for ourselves to glory in, but that the power of the Lord will be shown in and around this community. We want to serve the Lord through good and bad circumstances and by His infinite grace that is what we will do !
Thank you,
Bro. Mark Crabtree
Harmony Baptist Church
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Gone, But not Goodby.
It's Saturday, July 4, 2009, and the final weekend that we have with our oldest son Adam for a long while. Adam will be leaving Monday morning heading to Ft. Leonardwood, Missouri. What seemed as if a time that was so far away has now come upon us. While it is a sad time to see him go, we know that that is the plan that God had initiated for all man kind. Still it doesn't make it any easier to see him leave.
As his Dad, I often wounder if I have done enough to prepare him for what he will face in the real world. I have not tried to shield him from everything that is in this world because I feel as if shielding creates a false sense of security and does not teach the realities of what this world is about and the pitfalls that lye within it. Adam has seen what sin does and what problems that it creates and if that keeps him from experiencing those things then it's worth it. Eph. 6 tells us fathers to train them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. While training and teaching they do need to know from what it is that God, and we, do not want them to do when they are old enough to go out on their own. All I can do now is pray that he uses the learning and the knowledge that I have tried to instill in him and not fall to the things that Satan would have him to fall to.
I ask for your prayers also for Adam as he starts out on the road of independence. Please pray for his mother and I as we continue to train and to raise our youngest son. That we take the lessons learned from rearing Adam and apply it to Jacob. He will be heading out on his own before we know it.
As his Dad, I often wounder if I have done enough to prepare him for what he will face in the real world. I have not tried to shield him from everything that is in this world because I feel as if shielding creates a false sense of security and does not teach the realities of what this world is about and the pitfalls that lye within it. Adam has seen what sin does and what problems that it creates and if that keeps him from experiencing those things then it's worth it. Eph. 6 tells us fathers to train them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. While training and teaching they do need to know from what it is that God, and we, do not want them to do when they are old enough to go out on their own. All I can do now is pray that he uses the learning and the knowledge that I have tried to instill in him and not fall to the things that Satan would have him to fall to.
I ask for your prayers also for Adam as he starts out on the road of independence. Please pray for his mother and I as we continue to train and to raise our youngest son. That we take the lessons learned from rearing Adam and apply it to Jacob. He will be heading out on his own before we know it.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Following The Lord
I have found that what I may want to do is sometimes not necessarily what the Lord would have me do. Take for instance just a few weeks ago I had planned to go through the seven churches in Revelation and post what the Lord had given to me on this blog site. However, I found that the more that I wanted to do this, it seemed as if I did not have the liberty to carry out what I wanted to do. Of course, when I feel as if there is no liberty there, then the best thing for me to do is wait on the Lord and seek direction from him. And that's where I was wrong in the first place, not seeking the Lord before making a decision to move forward with my own ideas. How easy it is for any of us to make a decision and not first seek the Lords guidance. I find myself living out what I preach about so many times, and I feel as if the Lord allows me to live these things out so as to make me a better preacher, and a better pastor to the people that he has placed me over. One thing that I do know is that I am not without sin, or better to say, the sin nature. I have come across many preachers and pastors as well that live life as if they no longer have a sin nature. The bible is plain and clear about this subject matter. As long as we live in this world and in the flesh we still have a sin nature. As children of God we are no longer under the bondage and in captivity to this nature meaning that we no longer are held by its grasp because Christ has freed us from its hold through his shed blood and our belief and acceptance of him as our Lord and Savior. Paul said that we are now no longer under condemnation, meaning we no longer stand in judgement of eternal damnation, however we do at times stand before him guilty of sins that are in our life. The only way we can be cleared of this guilty standing is through the act of repentance. Thank God for the promise of forgiveness, I need it every day. We have to be honest with ourselves and more importantly, God!!!
So, with all of that said, I will not be posting any more on the seven churches of Revelation. unless the liberty of the Lord falls on me to do so. I want to be in his will.
So, with all of that said, I will not be posting any more on the seven churches of Revelation. unless the liberty of the Lord falls on me to do so. I want to be in his will.
A Great Week!
We had a great week in revival. What made it a great week? Two souls came to know the Lord as Savior. Many times we are impressed by the multitudes, and not so impressed by the small things or numbers, ( Jesus started the New Testament church with only twelve men.) I was very honored that the Lord would use me to preach and to bring the Gospel message to those that were there for the week. I pray that the people there will take the message forward and share it with someone else.
Please pray for our church as we will be in revival in the month of August with Evang. Brian Sharp. He will be bringing the messages through the book of Revelation that week. I ask for your prayers as the Lord opens the hearts and minds and the souls of men.
Please pray for our church as we will be in revival in the month of August with Evang. Brian Sharp. He will be bringing the messages through the book of Revelation that week. I ask for your prayers as the Lord opens the hearts and minds and the souls of men.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Persecuted Church
In our studies of the seven churches in Revelation, we now move up the road some 40 to 50 miles north of Ephesus and find a church whose name means "bitter".
Smyrna was a city of tremendous beauty. In fact it was known as "the beautiful" due to it's natural, commercial, and beautiful buildings. It was in part the rival of Ephesus. The roman laws against Christians were also very prominent here as well. Not much is said in the New Testament about Smyrna other than what we read here, but what is said here of this church is enough to know that they were a people that stood on their faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Now, let us look at what Christ said that he knows about this church.
I. Smyrna's Suffering.
A. Tribulation;
1. Tribulation derives from the Greek word "thlipsis", which suggests a pressing out of grapes for their juice. This church was feeling this "pressing out" because of their complete and open faith in Christ. Christ himself felt this "pressing out" in the Garden of Gethsemane.
2. Tribulation brings with it a time of discomfort. I don't know of anyone who would want tribulation. However, if we live an open faith and belief in Christ we need expect this to be part of our life.
B. Poverty;
1. Poverty is the lowest of both the physical and the spiritual scales. One either grows up in this place of their life or one gets their by unforeseen circumstances. This church, and when I use that term I am referring to the people not the building, suffered the loss of everything they had. Persecution was most often followed with confiscation of belongings. I know of a Missionary who was persecuted daily. His home was ransacked once or twice a week even while he was at home, but he never let that deter him from his calling to give that people the Word of God. II Cor. 8:9 tells us that though Christ was rich, he became poor for our sakes. What a wonderful message!
II. Satan's Synagogue.
A. Satan's Disciples;
1. We know that as God has his disciples, so Satan does as well. These Satanic disciples are called demons. Satan has been trying, and succeeding in many ways, to infiltrate the church. Here it is no different. A Judaizing movement was taking place here and these false preachers were teaching that Grace was accompanied with works of the old law. One could not really be saved by Grace alone, works were to be added as well. Eph. 2: 5 & 8 tells us that by Grace are we saved and Grace alone. Works are simply an outward showing of our inward condition, James 2: 2o. There are these same types of false preachers in the world today and many are falling to their traps. What are we doing to trip up these traps before others fall prey to them ?
III. Sanctified Saints.
A. Sanctified means to be "set apart". Christ is telling these Christians at Smyrna to be and to remain "set apart". It would have been easy to go the way of the false preachers to avoid any further persecutions, but the easy way is not always the best way. When we have a decision to make to either serve God or serve the world, and if serving God would mean untold troubles in our life, would we make that decision ? That is exactly what Christ told these people in verse 10. He told them to fear nothing of which they would suffer. Why, because He would be there just as He always had been. Salvation gives not a delivery from death, however, it does give us victory and triumph over death. We are promised the "crown of life", James 1:12. Christ can promise and fulfill this promise because He himself received this crown on that wonderful day of His resurrection! We as his children will receive this crown, but can also receive four more as well.
1. An incorruptible crown - I Cor. 9:25
2. A Soul winners crown - Phil. 4:1 & I Thess. 2:19
3. A Righteousness crown - II Tim. 4:8
4. The crown of glory - I Peter 5:4
Our goal should be to receive each and everyone of these crowns. We must strive to achieve as much for Christ as we can. Our time is drawing very short to win the lost to Christ. We can look at persecution in a positive light. When we are being persecuted and troubled then we are doing what Christ wants us to do. The Word of God has always offended some and will always do such as long as this world goes on. Rest assured that those that do the will of the Lord will be rewarded and that yours and my efforts for Him does not go unnoticed.
Smyrna was a city of tremendous beauty. In fact it was known as "the beautiful" due to it's natural, commercial, and beautiful buildings. It was in part the rival of Ephesus. The roman laws against Christians were also very prominent here as well. Not much is said in the New Testament about Smyrna other than what we read here, but what is said here of this church is enough to know that they were a people that stood on their faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Now, let us look at what Christ said that he knows about this church.
I. Smyrna's Suffering.
A. Tribulation;
1. Tribulation derives from the Greek word "thlipsis", which suggests a pressing out of grapes for their juice. This church was feeling this "pressing out" because of their complete and open faith in Christ. Christ himself felt this "pressing out" in the Garden of Gethsemane.
2. Tribulation brings with it a time of discomfort. I don't know of anyone who would want tribulation. However, if we live an open faith and belief in Christ we need expect this to be part of our life.
B. Poverty;
1. Poverty is the lowest of both the physical and the spiritual scales. One either grows up in this place of their life or one gets their by unforeseen circumstances. This church, and when I use that term I am referring to the people not the building, suffered the loss of everything they had. Persecution was most often followed with confiscation of belongings. I know of a Missionary who was persecuted daily. His home was ransacked once or twice a week even while he was at home, but he never let that deter him from his calling to give that people the Word of God. II Cor. 8:9 tells us that though Christ was rich, he became poor for our sakes. What a wonderful message!
II. Satan's Synagogue.
A. Satan's Disciples;
1. We know that as God has his disciples, so Satan does as well. These Satanic disciples are called demons. Satan has been trying, and succeeding in many ways, to infiltrate the church. Here it is no different. A Judaizing movement was taking place here and these false preachers were teaching that Grace was accompanied with works of the old law. One could not really be saved by Grace alone, works were to be added as well. Eph. 2: 5 & 8 tells us that by Grace are we saved and Grace alone. Works are simply an outward showing of our inward condition, James 2: 2o. There are these same types of false preachers in the world today and many are falling to their traps. What are we doing to trip up these traps before others fall prey to them ?
III. Sanctified Saints.
A. Sanctified means to be "set apart". Christ is telling these Christians at Smyrna to be and to remain "set apart". It would have been easy to go the way of the false preachers to avoid any further persecutions, but the easy way is not always the best way. When we have a decision to make to either serve God or serve the world, and if serving God would mean untold troubles in our life, would we make that decision ? That is exactly what Christ told these people in verse 10. He told them to fear nothing of which they would suffer. Why, because He would be there just as He always had been. Salvation gives not a delivery from death, however, it does give us victory and triumph over death. We are promised the "crown of life", James 1:12. Christ can promise and fulfill this promise because He himself received this crown on that wonderful day of His resurrection! We as his children will receive this crown, but can also receive four more as well.
1. An incorruptible crown - I Cor. 9:25
2. A Soul winners crown - Phil. 4:1 & I Thess. 2:19
3. A Righteousness crown - II Tim. 4:8
4. The crown of glory - I Peter 5:4
Our goal should be to receive each and everyone of these crowns. We must strive to achieve as much for Christ as we can. Our time is drawing very short to win the lost to Christ. We can look at persecution in a positive light. When we are being persecuted and troubled then we are doing what Christ wants us to do. The Word of God has always offended some and will always do such as long as this world goes on. Rest assured that those that do the will of the Lord will be rewarded and that yours and my efforts for Him does not go unnoticed.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The Seven
Over the last several Sundays, I have been preaching on the seven churches in Revelations. I'm sure that there has been a lot of sermons and or messages preached and taught on this very subject. As one looks at these churches one can no doubt find themselves within these churches as a body of believers, (church), and as individuals. Over the next few weeks we'll examine each church and see if we can find ourselves both positive and negative in them.
1. Rev. 2:1-7, The Church at Ephesus:
A. Workers; Jesus said "I know thy works". He relayed this same message to each pastor, (angel), of the seven churches. How true a statement, that he, Jesus, knows our every work both good and bad. We do notice that Jesus says that they were a laboring people and a patient people. What we need in our churches today are laborers. It's amazing to me that very few are willing to go out and spend time for the Lord. The church can have soul winning classes and have a crowd, but, when it comes time to apply the knowledge learned, there are very few that will go. I do not know of a church that doesn't have this problem. It's universal to every church so we are not alone in this. We must be vigilant in our work and in our prayers for those that do not have a desire to work.
B. Defenders; Jesus also pointed out that this church was a church that saw people for who they were. There were "false apostles" in the midst of the church and they were pointed out and were seen to be what they were "liars". I believe that this is a problem in our churches today. People want to hold hands with those who do not have a like minded faith. They want to mix with every religion and with the world. The ecumenical movement is a movement that is straight from Satan. We cannot, and I stress, cannot mix ourselves in with people that do not see God for who he is, and should not allow those pastors of other faiths to stand in our pulpits! We as Christians need to quit trying to be politically correct and start being biblicly correct! We have a duty unto God to defend this word of God and keep our churches undefiled. II Cor. 6: 11-18 comes to mind regarding this subject.
C. Leavers; Where this a positive, there is usually a negative. Jesus first points out the positive things of the church in Ephesus, but, he directs his attention to the need of the church as well. We notice that this church "left their first love". The bible does not say they lost their love, nor does it make any claim of their losing their salvation. We know that when we are saved then we are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption, Eph.4:30. What the scriptures in simply saying is that the church has left the love of former things that they were at one time on fire doing for the Lord. Could it have been that this church was at one time noted for the love between the brethren? Could it have been that at one time that this church was noted for the love that they showed to those around them, through visitation, or through the helping those that were in need? Whatever the case Jesus said that they had left it and were admonished for it but they were also prompted to return to it, vs.5, or he would come and remove the candlestick from it's place. Jesus is speaking expressly of repentance. Repent means to feel sorrow for and to feel anguish towards the wrong that one has done. To repent is the standard of God in our lives to regain fellowship with him. David lost this fellowship through sin but gained it back through repentance. We must realize that God does not overlook our sins, nor does he wink at it any longer, but commands us to repent. I thank the Lord that he gives us chance after chance to get forgiveness. That he does not immediately remove our candlestick, but allows our light to continue to shine if we come to him for forgiveness.
D. Over comers; How amazing is this word? Over comers, it is a promise from God that we can be or become over comers. I know in my life there are many things that I have had to overcome. I've had to overcome myself and that bondage of sin that held me and was able to do that only through the blood of Jesus Christ. I still have to overcome the temptations of Satan and what he would have me fall to, but can only succeed through the blood of Jesus Christ. The blood does not only cover, but washes away, cleanses me from the filth of this world. How wonderful is the blood of Jesus! The church in Ephesus was promised the "tree of life" if they would but overcome. He promises us this same tree as well. How amazing is our Lord!!!
1. Rev. 2:1-7, The Church at Ephesus:
A. Workers; Jesus said "I know thy works". He relayed this same message to each pastor, (angel), of the seven churches. How true a statement, that he, Jesus, knows our every work both good and bad. We do notice that Jesus says that they were a laboring people and a patient people. What we need in our churches today are laborers. It's amazing to me that very few are willing to go out and spend time for the Lord. The church can have soul winning classes and have a crowd, but, when it comes time to apply the knowledge learned, there are very few that will go. I do not know of a church that doesn't have this problem. It's universal to every church so we are not alone in this. We must be vigilant in our work and in our prayers for those that do not have a desire to work.
B. Defenders; Jesus also pointed out that this church was a church that saw people for who they were. There were "false apostles" in the midst of the church and they were pointed out and were seen to be what they were "liars". I believe that this is a problem in our churches today. People want to hold hands with those who do not have a like minded faith. They want to mix with every religion and with the world. The ecumenical movement is a movement that is straight from Satan. We cannot, and I stress, cannot mix ourselves in with people that do not see God for who he is, and should not allow those pastors of other faiths to stand in our pulpits! We as Christians need to quit trying to be politically correct and start being biblicly correct! We have a duty unto God to defend this word of God and keep our churches undefiled. II Cor. 6: 11-18 comes to mind regarding this subject.
C. Leavers; Where this a positive, there is usually a negative. Jesus first points out the positive things of the church in Ephesus, but, he directs his attention to the need of the church as well. We notice that this church "left their first love". The bible does not say they lost their love, nor does it make any claim of their losing their salvation. We know that when we are saved then we are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption, Eph.4:30. What the scriptures in simply saying is that the church has left the love of former things that they were at one time on fire doing for the Lord. Could it have been that this church was at one time noted for the love between the brethren? Could it have been that at one time that this church was noted for the love that they showed to those around them, through visitation, or through the helping those that were in need? Whatever the case Jesus said that they had left it and were admonished for it but they were also prompted to return to it, vs.5, or he would come and remove the candlestick from it's place. Jesus is speaking expressly of repentance. Repent means to feel sorrow for and to feel anguish towards the wrong that one has done. To repent is the standard of God in our lives to regain fellowship with him. David lost this fellowship through sin but gained it back through repentance. We must realize that God does not overlook our sins, nor does he wink at it any longer, but commands us to repent. I thank the Lord that he gives us chance after chance to get forgiveness. That he does not immediately remove our candlestick, but allows our light to continue to shine if we come to him for forgiveness.
D. Over comers; How amazing is this word? Over comers, it is a promise from God that we can be or become over comers. I know in my life there are many things that I have had to overcome. I've had to overcome myself and that bondage of sin that held me and was able to do that only through the blood of Jesus Christ. I still have to overcome the temptations of Satan and what he would have me fall to, but can only succeed through the blood of Jesus Christ. The blood does not only cover, but washes away, cleanses me from the filth of this world. How wonderful is the blood of Jesus! The church in Ephesus was promised the "tree of life" if they would but overcome. He promises us this same tree as well. How amazing is our Lord!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
A Show Of Weakness !
Over the past few days, I have been listening to the talk radio show "News and Views" with Chuck and Larry Bates, (I can say that I recommend this program to those concerned about their country). On this program the hosts have been talking about what has been happening in our country, in particular, the President.
It has been very evident over the past few weeks just what the President has, as far as his real agenda, been showing the country. When he went over to the G20 conference, you would think that he would really establish a footing of what this country would and would not put up with. Especially after we have seen the so called "Pirates of Somalia" do to not only our ships but to other nations as well. However, even in that situation the White House was struggling to come up with some sort of response, HOW WEAK !!! If Teddy Roosevelt, or even Ronald Reagan had been in office we would have not even had the hostage issue for as long as we did. If when given the opportunity, President Obama should have put forth the statement that we, as a country, would not put up with such foolishness and he should have put out a firm commitment that if such things happen again, that there would be firm and decisive action taken against those that would put our people and our country into harms way. Sounds pretty good huh? But, instead of doing this, the President shook hands with Chavez, accepted a pro anti-American book that was written by a Marxist back in the 1970's. While on his overseas trip, he routinely apologized to the countries that the United States had some sort of conflict with in the past, HOW WEAK!!! Not only did he do this, but Mr. Hillary Clinton done the same thing in Mexico, HOW WEAK!!!
Evidently, President Obama does not realize that his office is not an office to increase his popularity. Nor is it an office to make sure that everyone in this wicked world like him at the expense of us as Americans! I really believe that he is a socialist and has been trained to be such throughout his entire life. Why do you think that the communist party did not have a candidate in the race this past election? It is because they already had their candidate running as a Democrat. What President Obama is doing however is he is making us look and become a weak nation. When he puts forth the attitude that we as a country want to light the camp fire and hold hands with everyone and sing Cum-by-yaw, then he puts forth a show of weakness that will not be over looked by radical factions and is really placing this country in a vulnerable state.
What can we do? Of course the Bible tells us to pray for those in authority, but we need to do more than that! We need to voice our opinion and more importantly what thus saith the Lord! We need not just sit back and do nothing! We have an obligation not only as Christians but as Americans to let our voices be heard. We as Pastors have an obligation to our congregations to not only preach the Word of God, but to keep them informed of what is going on in our country. It is sad to say that there were a lot of Christians that voted for Mr. Obama and for this "Change" that was ramped up on the news media. As Christians we have an obligation to serve the Lord faithfully. That goes for how we vote as well. I did not agree with everything that former President Bush had done, however, we as a people and other countries knew where he stood when it came to protecting our country.
We are certainly in the last of the last days. We see the Bible being fulfilled everyday. No other book contains more true words that that of the Word of God! We need to be diligent about our duties and responsibilities as Christians and as Americans. Do not complain if you do nothing!!
It has been very evident over the past few weeks just what the President has, as far as his real agenda, been showing the country. When he went over to the G20 conference, you would think that he would really establish a footing of what this country would and would not put up with. Especially after we have seen the so called "Pirates of Somalia" do to not only our ships but to other nations as well. However, even in that situation the White House was struggling to come up with some sort of response, HOW WEAK !!! If Teddy Roosevelt, or even Ronald Reagan had been in office we would have not even had the hostage issue for as long as we did. If when given the opportunity, President Obama should have put forth the statement that we, as a country, would not put up with such foolishness and he should have put out a firm commitment that if such things happen again, that there would be firm and decisive action taken against those that would put our people and our country into harms way. Sounds pretty good huh? But, instead of doing this, the President shook hands with Chavez, accepted a pro anti-American book that was written by a Marxist back in the 1970's. While on his overseas trip, he routinely apologized to the countries that the United States had some sort of conflict with in the past, HOW WEAK!!! Not only did he do this, but Mr. Hillary Clinton done the same thing in Mexico, HOW WEAK!!!
Evidently, President Obama does not realize that his office is not an office to increase his popularity. Nor is it an office to make sure that everyone in this wicked world like him at the expense of us as Americans! I really believe that he is a socialist and has been trained to be such throughout his entire life. Why do you think that the communist party did not have a candidate in the race this past election? It is because they already had their candidate running as a Democrat. What President Obama is doing however is he is making us look and become a weak nation. When he puts forth the attitude that we as a country want to light the camp fire and hold hands with everyone and sing Cum-by-yaw, then he puts forth a show of weakness that will not be over looked by radical factions and is really placing this country in a vulnerable state.
What can we do? Of course the Bible tells us to pray for those in authority, but we need to do more than that! We need to voice our opinion and more importantly what thus saith the Lord! We need not just sit back and do nothing! We have an obligation not only as Christians but as Americans to let our voices be heard. We as Pastors have an obligation to our congregations to not only preach the Word of God, but to keep them informed of what is going on in our country. It is sad to say that there were a lot of Christians that voted for Mr. Obama and for this "Change" that was ramped up on the news media. As Christians we have an obligation to serve the Lord faithfully. That goes for how we vote as well. I did not agree with everything that former President Bush had done, however, we as a people and other countries knew where he stood when it came to protecting our country.
We are certainly in the last of the last days. We see the Bible being fulfilled everyday. No other book contains more true words that that of the Word of God! We need to be diligent about our duties and responsibilities as Christians and as Americans. Do not complain if you do nothing!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
A Misunderstanding
Last evening I was preaching out of the book of II Timothy 2. In my message I had mentioned the resurrection of Jesus and that of Lazarus. I had used the fact that as Jesus raised Lazarus from the tomb, that he came out of that tomb in the same physical body that he entered the tomb with. Then, I made the distinction that when Jesus arose from the tomb, he did so in a spiritual body, unlike the one he entered the tomb with.
The facts of the bible are very clear about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many verses clearly indicate and identify Jesus in a physical body. Luke 24:39 is a clear statement of this fact. John 20:15-17 is another indication of the physical, resurrected body of Christ. Also, look at I Cor. 15:42-45, Paul speaks of a physical and of a spiritual body, we could go on and on. No one can dispute the facts, if taken out of the true word of God, about the resurrection of Christ.
The issue that one of the members at the church had with me last evening was, he felt that I believed that Christ arose in a spiritual body alone and not in a physical body as well. I tried to explain to him that I surely believe that Christ arose in a physical body, however, that his risen, physical body was not like the one that he died with. Let me explain further. When was on his way to Calvary he was beaten so bad even to the point the book of Isaiah says that he was unrecognizable, he did not look like a man. The flesh that was hanging off of his body, his face no doubt disfigured by the blows of the Roman soldiers, the blood that was crusted to every part of his body, and eventually the prints of the nails in his hands and his feet. Now we know that he went to the tomb in this condition. The word is very clear on this point. However, we see that when he arose, he was not likened to the way he went in. Again, John 20:11-15, Mary looked into the tomb and no one was there, the tomb was empty testifying of a bodily resurrection. When Mary turned herself back, she saw whom she thought to be the gardener, because verse 14 says that she knew not it was Jesus. Surely she would have recognized him having been with him for a period of time? She did not know it was Jesus until he called her by name.
I have said all of that to say this, when Jesus arose from the tomb he did so in a physical body, but did so in a changed physical body. He still had the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet, he still had the wound where he was pierced. He told Thomas to touch the nail prints and to put in hand in his side, John 20:28. He was no longer the same as he was seen before. His physical appearance was accompanied with "supernatural", (if you will), abilities. Luke 24:39, while the disciples were in the room, doors shut, Jesus appeared and stood in the midst of them. How could this had been done any other way than in a supernatural way? His body was much more than mere physicality, it was spiritual as well. All of his life he lived a physical and a spiritual life. He did not separate the two, in that he was 100% man and 100% God. If he had risen with just his physical body, then he would have not yet conquered death, hell, and the grave. We in turn would not be victorious over these things either.
I pray that I have not overly explained my thoughts and my understanding of the scriptures so that others may think me to be a heretic or preaching heresy. I do try very hard to understand the scriptures and divide correctly the word of God, II Tim.2:15. I have been wrong at times and have corrected myself and have made my corrections known, I am only human. I want to be the very best of what God has made and called me to be, a preacher of the Word of God! I will make very clear on Sunday what I meant and in what I believe to be the truth of the scripture. It is very important to me that each one knows that I believe in a bodily resurrected Christ. This has taught me something though, it has taught me that I need to be more clear on certain facts of scripture as not to have others think that I am teaching and or preaching something false. Please pray for me as I continue in the Lords service.
The facts of the bible are very clear about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many verses clearly indicate and identify Jesus in a physical body. Luke 24:39 is a clear statement of this fact. John 20:15-17 is another indication of the physical, resurrected body of Christ. Also, look at I Cor. 15:42-45, Paul speaks of a physical and of a spiritual body, we could go on and on. No one can dispute the facts, if taken out of the true word of God, about the resurrection of Christ.
The issue that one of the members at the church had with me last evening was, he felt that I believed that Christ arose in a spiritual body alone and not in a physical body as well. I tried to explain to him that I surely believe that Christ arose in a physical body, however, that his risen, physical body was not like the one that he died with. Let me explain further. When was on his way to Calvary he was beaten so bad even to the point the book of Isaiah says that he was unrecognizable, he did not look like a man. The flesh that was hanging off of his body, his face no doubt disfigured by the blows of the Roman soldiers, the blood that was crusted to every part of his body, and eventually the prints of the nails in his hands and his feet. Now we know that he went to the tomb in this condition. The word is very clear on this point. However, we see that when he arose, he was not likened to the way he went in. Again, John 20:11-15, Mary looked into the tomb and no one was there, the tomb was empty testifying of a bodily resurrection. When Mary turned herself back, she saw whom she thought to be the gardener, because verse 14 says that she knew not it was Jesus. Surely she would have recognized him having been with him for a period of time? She did not know it was Jesus until he called her by name.
I have said all of that to say this, when Jesus arose from the tomb he did so in a physical body, but did so in a changed physical body. He still had the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet, he still had the wound where he was pierced. He told Thomas to touch the nail prints and to put in hand in his side, John 20:28. He was no longer the same as he was seen before. His physical appearance was accompanied with "supernatural", (if you will), abilities. Luke 24:39, while the disciples were in the room, doors shut, Jesus appeared and stood in the midst of them. How could this had been done any other way than in a supernatural way? His body was much more than mere physicality, it was spiritual as well. All of his life he lived a physical and a spiritual life. He did not separate the two, in that he was 100% man and 100% God. If he had risen with just his physical body, then he would have not yet conquered death, hell, and the grave. We in turn would not be victorious over these things either.
I pray that I have not overly explained my thoughts and my understanding of the scriptures so that others may think me to be a heretic or preaching heresy. I do try very hard to understand the scriptures and divide correctly the word of God, II Tim.2:15. I have been wrong at times and have corrected myself and have made my corrections known, I am only human. I want to be the very best of what God has made and called me to be, a preacher of the Word of God! I will make very clear on Sunday what I meant and in what I believe to be the truth of the scripture. It is very important to me that each one knows that I believe in a bodily resurrected Christ. This has taught me something though, it has taught me that I need to be more clear on certain facts of scripture as not to have others think that I am teaching and or preaching something false. Please pray for me as I continue in the Lords service.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
No greater than John.
I've often wondered why Jesus would make a such a statement about a man that undoubtedly was a true man of God, but yet was a man that was still born under the curse of sin. Here is what the Lord gave me on Saturday two weeks ago.
As I was studying for my Sunday morning message, my studies took me in the direction of this verse, Matt. 11:11. And, again I read this verse and was puzzled once more. However this time the word that came to my mind was in no way my own, but was a word from the Lord. At no other time had the thought, the answer to what had alluded me for some time, ever come to me before.
John the Baptist was of course the "forerunner" to Christ. One who baptized with water, but was laying the foundation for the one who would baptize with the Holy Ghost, only for those who would truly believe. At this time John was asking a question about if this was the real Messiah or should they be looking for another. Jesus answered by saying that they, (Johns Disciples), need to carry back to him the message of what they had heard and had seen done. Now, Jesus speaking to the multitudes, made the proclamation "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."
This is what is meant, John the Baptist was brought to light in the New Testament but was the last of the Old Testament prophets. He, like others before him, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Zechariah, prophesied of a coming Savior that would take away the sins of the world. However, what is different is, only John the Baptist was the only Old Testament prophet that saw Christ face to face, and was the only one that was able to physically touch the Savior. What an honor John had to be the one that would actually see the one that he prophesied about, and to actually touch him. John the Baptist was no doubt a very persuasive prophet to have disciples himself and to persuade others to believe one that would come later on. We know that today we have to be persuasive ourselves to get others to believe what they can't see. However we know where the Spirit of God is anything is possible.
I would like to see your comments, whether they be positive or negative.
As I was studying for my Sunday morning message, my studies took me in the direction of this verse, Matt. 11:11. And, again I read this verse and was puzzled once more. However this time the word that came to my mind was in no way my own, but was a word from the Lord. At no other time had the thought, the answer to what had alluded me for some time, ever come to me before.
John the Baptist was of course the "forerunner" to Christ. One who baptized with water, but was laying the foundation for the one who would baptize with the Holy Ghost, only for those who would truly believe. At this time John was asking a question about if this was the real Messiah or should they be looking for another. Jesus answered by saying that they, (Johns Disciples), need to carry back to him the message of what they had heard and had seen done. Now, Jesus speaking to the multitudes, made the proclamation "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."
This is what is meant, John the Baptist was brought to light in the New Testament but was the last of the Old Testament prophets. He, like others before him, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Zechariah, prophesied of a coming Savior that would take away the sins of the world. However, what is different is, only John the Baptist was the only Old Testament prophet that saw Christ face to face, and was the only one that was able to physically touch the Savior. What an honor John had to be the one that would actually see the one that he prophesied about, and to actually touch him. John the Baptist was no doubt a very persuasive prophet to have disciples himself and to persuade others to believe one that would come later on. We know that today we have to be persuasive ourselves to get others to believe what they can't see. However we know where the Spirit of God is anything is possible.
I would like to see your comments, whether they be positive or negative.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Lord Is Still Working !
This past Sunday was a great day in the House of the Lord! One of our members granddaughters came for her second visit and came to know the Lord as Saviour. Please pray for her boyfriend, he acknowledged his need for salvation, but did not come forward for salvation. I will continue to deal with him about his need. His name is David. Please pray for Mary as well. The devil no doubt is already working on her and she really needs your prayers.
We also had one baptized as well. He has been coming for some time and said he needed to be baptized. He knew he had been saved some years back, but never was baptized. Praise the Lord for both blessings!
Why do I mention these things? Is it to brag about our progress in the Lord? Is it to puff out my chest and say "look at me"? In both cases, a stern NO!!! I mention what the Lord has done to give him honor and glory. In no way is it me or is it anyone in the church. It is all of the Lord! We are the tools, the instruments that he uses to bring them in and then to deliver the word, but it is all Him. I thank God that he sees me even worthy to proclaim his message. I thank God that he would even use one such as me to carry the Gospel to others so they can hear of his unconditional love for them. It truly humbles me and I stand in awe of his mighty, miraculous mercy and grace! He is so worthy to be praised!
We also had one baptized as well. He has been coming for some time and said he needed to be baptized. He knew he had been saved some years back, but never was baptized. Praise the Lord for both blessings!
Why do I mention these things? Is it to brag about our progress in the Lord? Is it to puff out my chest and say "look at me"? In both cases, a stern NO!!! I mention what the Lord has done to give him honor and glory. In no way is it me or is it anyone in the church. It is all of the Lord! We are the tools, the instruments that he uses to bring them in and then to deliver the word, but it is all Him. I thank God that he sees me even worthy to proclaim his message. I thank God that he would even use one such as me to carry the Gospel to others so they can hear of his unconditional love for them. It truly humbles me and I stand in awe of his mighty, miraculous mercy and grace! He is so worthy to be praised!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
What Must I Do To Be Saved
The jailer in the book of Acts 16:30, asks a question that we all would like to hear each and everyone that we know that is lost ask, "What must I do to be saved". A question that did not go unanswered. Paul and Silas said simply, "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ". Not only would he believe, but his whole house would be saved and baptized.
So the question still remains, what must I do to be saved. This can be answered in the following ways.
First, we must see the need for our need for salvation. Rom.3:23, 5:12, Gal. 3:22, Heb 2:3, John 3:18, 36.
We all have come short of the glory of God. This glory was seen in the Old Testament in the pillar of the cloud that lead the children of Israel, the congregation of Kadesh, and in the Temple of Solomon. In the New Testament it is seen in the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Not only in life but in and through his acceptance of the death, burial, and resurrection of his son. We are all born under the curse and bondage of sin due to Adams sin. Eve transgressed but sin came into the life of future generations when Adam accepted the fruit and therefore sinned against God. The only way out of this bondage and out from under this curse is by accepting Christ as our Lord and Saviour.
Secondly, we must see him as our substitution. Rom. 5:8, John 3:16, and John 15: 13.
I am so glad that he, Jesus, commended his toward me! This means that he not only said that he loved us enough to give his life for us, but he demonstrated this love as well. Not only did he die for me, but he died for the church, Eph. 5:25, and he died for the world, Heb 2:9. In the Old Testament, and the Old Testament being a shadow of things to come, and always pointing to a Saviour, this same type of love was demonstrated in the truth of Abraham and Issac with the ram being the substitute. What a wounderful illustration this is that God would love his own that he would provide a complete substitute.
Thirdly, we must see the penalty for sin. Rom.6:23, and Gen 2:17.
You may ask yourself why Genesis as a reference? Well this is explained easily. It is here that we not only see the first sin, but we see the first mention of a penalty for sin. It was to Eve who first transgressed in the form of painful childbearing and in the complete subjection to Adam her husband. It was to Adam in the form of having to toil and labor by the sweat of his brow that he would find Gods penalty for sin. Both were faced with the same penalty, and that being death. Death is a physical seperation of the body from the soul, and the spiritual death being the eternal seperation from one another and from God in the Lake of Fire,Rev. 20:15. If people do not see the penalty for sin, then salvation will not be named among them.
Fourthly, we must see there is a sure salvation. Rom. 10:9-10, 13, John 1:12, and 1 John 5:13.
Truely the only way to gain salvation is by believeing in Jesus Christ as not only your Lord but as Saviour. There never has been any other way but through him. Not of works, for we could not work long enough or be good enough to gain our own salvation. Salvation is what occurs on the inside and is manifestedon the outside by the visible changes that take place. Salvation constitutes, 1. deliverence, 2. safety, 3. preservation, 4. healing, and 5. soundness. Salvation works in three phases: 1. From the guilt and penalty of sin, 2. from the habit and doinion of sin, and 3. From the final results of sin. If salvation does all of this, why would anyone not want it?
I'm afraid that we as its recipients are not doing a very good job sharing what salvation will take away, but what it will give them if they would but receive the one who has given his life for it. GOD HELP US ALL TO SHARE YOUR LOVE WITH OTHERS, AND THAT YOU GAVE YOUR LIFE FOR THEM !!!
So the question still remains, what must I do to be saved. This can be answered in the following ways.
First, we must see the need for our need for salvation. Rom.3:23, 5:12, Gal. 3:22, Heb 2:3, John 3:18, 36.
We all have come short of the glory of God. This glory was seen in the Old Testament in the pillar of the cloud that lead the children of Israel, the congregation of Kadesh, and in the Temple of Solomon. In the New Testament it is seen in the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Not only in life but in and through his acceptance of the death, burial, and resurrection of his son. We are all born under the curse and bondage of sin due to Adams sin. Eve transgressed but sin came into the life of future generations when Adam accepted the fruit and therefore sinned against God. The only way out of this bondage and out from under this curse is by accepting Christ as our Lord and Saviour.
Secondly, we must see him as our substitution. Rom. 5:8, John 3:16, and John 15: 13.
I am so glad that he, Jesus, commended his toward me! This means that he not only said that he loved us enough to give his life for us, but he demonstrated this love as well. Not only did he die for me, but he died for the church, Eph. 5:25, and he died for the world, Heb 2:9. In the Old Testament, and the Old Testament being a shadow of things to come, and always pointing to a Saviour, this same type of love was demonstrated in the truth of Abraham and Issac with the ram being the substitute. What a wounderful illustration this is that God would love his own that he would provide a complete substitute.
Thirdly, we must see the penalty for sin. Rom.6:23, and Gen 2:17.
You may ask yourself why Genesis as a reference? Well this is explained easily. It is here that we not only see the first sin, but we see the first mention of a penalty for sin. It was to Eve who first transgressed in the form of painful childbearing and in the complete subjection to Adam her husband. It was to Adam in the form of having to toil and labor by the sweat of his brow that he would find Gods penalty for sin. Both were faced with the same penalty, and that being death. Death is a physical seperation of the body from the soul, and the spiritual death being the eternal seperation from one another and from God in the Lake of Fire,Rev. 20:15. If people do not see the penalty for sin, then salvation will not be named among them.
Fourthly, we must see there is a sure salvation. Rom. 10:9-10, 13, John 1:12, and 1 John 5:13.
Truely the only way to gain salvation is by believeing in Jesus Christ as not only your Lord but as Saviour. There never has been any other way but through him. Not of works, for we could not work long enough or be good enough to gain our own salvation. Salvation is what occurs on the inside and is manifestedon the outside by the visible changes that take place. Salvation constitutes, 1. deliverence, 2. safety, 3. preservation, 4. healing, and 5. soundness. Salvation works in three phases: 1. From the guilt and penalty of sin, 2. from the habit and doinion of sin, and 3. From the final results of sin. If salvation does all of this, why would anyone not want it?
I'm afraid that we as its recipients are not doing a very good job sharing what salvation will take away, but what it will give them if they would but receive the one who has given his life for it. GOD HELP US ALL TO SHARE YOUR LOVE WITH OTHERS, AND THAT YOU GAVE YOUR LIFE FOR THEM !!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
We had a great day in the Lord at the House of the Lord yesterday. We were encouraged to see three new visitors. I am more encouraged to see that our members are out inviting people to come to the House of the Lord. I have found it to be somewhat of a difficult task to get people interested in our soul winning classes. I have tried to make these classes as easy as possible and at a time where everyone could attend, but, I realize that not everyone will have it in their heart to attend or go with us on our door to door efforts later on. Help me pray for these people to gain this most needed desire for souls.
We are in a predominately catholic area. It seems that there is a catholic church on every corner here in Owensboro. We run up against this each and every time we go out to visit and to win souls. I do believe it does discourage our people when they have more rejections than they do acceptance. However ouir mission is still the same, to seek and to bring in those that are lost. It's difficult to believe but there are people here that have never stepped foot inside of a church building or have even heard the good fundamental bible preaching and teaching that we offer to them.Our church does support missionaries, but we do not need to go far to see the mission field. It is right here at our door step. I do ask for your continued prayers for us as we work the field here in Kentucky, and our efforts as we try to glean souls for the Lord.
We are in a predominately catholic area. It seems that there is a catholic church on every corner here in Owensboro. We run up against this each and every time we go out to visit and to win souls. I do believe it does discourage our people when they have more rejections than they do acceptance. However ouir mission is still the same, to seek and to bring in those that are lost. It's difficult to believe but there are people here that have never stepped foot inside of a church building or have even heard the good fundamental bible preaching and teaching that we offer to them.Our church does support missionaries, but we do not need to go far to see the mission field. It is right here at our door step. I do ask for your continued prayers for us as we work the field here in Kentucky, and our efforts as we try to glean souls for the Lord.
Monday, February 23, 2009
A Time To Stand
In this current day that we live in it is now that Christians need to stand more than ever. Our new President and those in Congress are on a whirlwind of change and sadly not for the better. The stimulus, or spend-u-lous plan, has created a far worse condition than we started off with. Just as with other problems in our country the Federal Gov. believes that the best way to deal with it is to throw money at it. Now, there is only three ways that the government can obtain the monies needed for this type of plan. We will either be taxed, the money will be borrowed, or the money will be printed, which is what the government is currently doing. I am sad to say that if things do not change we will possibly see the days of our great grandfathers and mothers.
Ephesians 6 tells us that we need to stand and stand clothed in the whole armour of God. Now this particular scripture also says that we war against the principalities, and the powers of the air which we know that to be Satan and his demonic servants. Why do I mention this? I mention this because of the weakness of man. Though we as Gods children are saved, and that to be for eternity, are still in the flesh and in the flesh, in the sin nature. Satan will tempt us with these times to turn us away from the faith and the truth of the word which plainly says that he, through the spirit, will never leave us nor will he forsake us. The same promise that he gave Joshua when he became the leader of his people, he still gives and provides to us today as the new testament church. I am glad to know that his promises never fail. One never knows what tomorrow holds but we know who holds tomorrow. I believe that in the months to years ahead we will see more of a falling away, the great apostasy, from the church and from the only true way which is Jesus Christ. We need to be in a manner of prayer every day that if and when we are tempted to follow those who will no doubt give in, that we are strong enough to withstand his onslaught of fiery darts and stand showing ourselves and others that the devil can't get us all. We will need to be a modern day Job. My prayer is not only for myself, my family, my church. my friends, but for all of my spiritual brothers and sisters to withstand in this ever changing time.
I'll pray for you, please pray for me as we journey on to the kingdom that is yet to come, a kingdom not made with hands.
Ephesians 6 tells us that we need to stand and stand clothed in the whole armour of God. Now this particular scripture also says that we war against the principalities, and the powers of the air which we know that to be Satan and his demonic servants. Why do I mention this? I mention this because of the weakness of man. Though we as Gods children are saved, and that to be for eternity, are still in the flesh and in the flesh, in the sin nature. Satan will tempt us with these times to turn us away from the faith and the truth of the word which plainly says that he, through the spirit, will never leave us nor will he forsake us. The same promise that he gave Joshua when he became the leader of his people, he still gives and provides to us today as the new testament church. I am glad to know that his promises never fail. One never knows what tomorrow holds but we know who holds tomorrow. I believe that in the months to years ahead we will see more of a falling away, the great apostasy, from the church and from the only true way which is Jesus Christ. We need to be in a manner of prayer every day that if and when we are tempted to follow those who will no doubt give in, that we are strong enough to withstand his onslaught of fiery darts and stand showing ourselves and others that the devil can't get us all. We will need to be a modern day Job. My prayer is not only for myself, my family, my church. my friends, but for all of my spiritual brothers and sisters to withstand in this ever changing time.
I'll pray for you, please pray for me as we journey on to the kingdom that is yet to come, a kingdom not made with hands.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Christian Maturity/ Forgiveness
Forgiveness; being defined it means, "the act of forgiving; to pardon an offender by the which he is considered not guilty".(Noah Websters American Standard English Dictionary).
Forgiveness, and true forgiveness, can only come by having a personal relationship with Christ. It was his forgiveness that allowed us to have a personal relationship with him. Pretty elementary biblical principle. However, when we do come to a personal relationship with Christ, then we also must understand that he expects us, actually requires us to follow in his footsteps. Why should we forgive others? I've listed below three reasons that we should forgive others.
1. Christ commands us:
a. Mark 11: 25-26: Jesus speaking here explains to the disciples, and, to us as well, that if we cannot forgive others, then his father, God, will not forgive you. A statement that is not made of man but of Christ himself.
b. Luke 17: 4: "thou shalt forgive him". No matter even if it is seven times he comes to you and repents of his wrong against you, Christ says then seven times "thou shalt forgive him". When Christ uses these two words, "thou shalt", it leaves no room for any mis-interpretation.
2. Paul compels us:
a. Eph. 4: 25-32: In this chapter and in these verses, Paul speaks of five things that we were once bound in or in bondage to in the former life before Christ, and the things we need to do to replace the former things now that we have a new life in Christ,(I'll leave it up to you to search these things out). The one thing we need to do is to forgive others. At one place in our life we would not forgive, but now that we are in Christ a new creature, we need to forgive others and work out what it is that brought us to the point of having to forgive and be forgiven. Verse 17 Paul says that "I testify in the Lord" in other words he is only restating what Christ has already said. He is compelling us to get to the point of our christian maturity that we can forgive. Ephesians 2:2 & 4:22 also compels us to this end.
3. Love constrains us:
a. Col. 3: 12-14: Here Paul speaks of Christian Virtues, and virtue being strength and morality. We are to be able to "forbear" and to "forgive". We are to bear with others and during this we are to also forgive. Understand that we all are developing our virtues and maturing in our walk that there will be times that others will do something that will either hurt our feelings, or, do something that will get to us, but we are to at that time be able to forgive. The problems that we have in this area is that we to often allow things to grow and grow until we get to the point that we have a difficult time talking with the individual let alone forgiving them. This should not be in the Christian life. Christians can disagree without being disagreeable.
b. 1 Cor. 3: 13: It is here stated that charity, love, is the greatest, even of faith and hope. When we love right then we will live right. We cannot love right if we do not have the love of Christ living and dwelling within us. 1 Peter 4: 8 says that "charity shall cover the multitude of sins". We will not continue to re-hash over and over what has been done to us if we love correctly. We will not talk to others about the issue before we talk to the one who has created the issue according to Matt. 18: 15-17. Love will truly cover our sins if we only live in the realm of a Christ like love.
I encourage everyone who reads this blog to examine yourself and see where you stand in the area of forgiveness, I know that I have.
Forgiveness, and true forgiveness, can only come by having a personal relationship with Christ. It was his forgiveness that allowed us to have a personal relationship with him. Pretty elementary biblical principle. However, when we do come to a personal relationship with Christ, then we also must understand that he expects us, actually requires us to follow in his footsteps. Why should we forgive others? I've listed below three reasons that we should forgive others.
1. Christ commands us:
a. Mark 11: 25-26: Jesus speaking here explains to the disciples, and, to us as well, that if we cannot forgive others, then his father, God, will not forgive you. A statement that is not made of man but of Christ himself.
b. Luke 17: 4: "thou shalt forgive him". No matter even if it is seven times he comes to you and repents of his wrong against you, Christ says then seven times "thou shalt forgive him". When Christ uses these two words, "thou shalt", it leaves no room for any mis-interpretation.
2. Paul compels us:
a. Eph. 4: 25-32: In this chapter and in these verses, Paul speaks of five things that we were once bound in or in bondage to in the former life before Christ, and the things we need to do to replace the former things now that we have a new life in Christ,(I'll leave it up to you to search these things out). The one thing we need to do is to forgive others. At one place in our life we would not forgive, but now that we are in Christ a new creature, we need to forgive others and work out what it is that brought us to the point of having to forgive and be forgiven. Verse 17 Paul says that "I testify in the Lord" in other words he is only restating what Christ has already said. He is compelling us to get to the point of our christian maturity that we can forgive. Ephesians 2:2 & 4:22 also compels us to this end.
3. Love constrains us:
a. Col. 3: 12-14: Here Paul speaks of Christian Virtues, and virtue being strength and morality. We are to be able to "forbear" and to "forgive". We are to bear with others and during this we are to also forgive. Understand that we all are developing our virtues and maturing in our walk that there will be times that others will do something that will either hurt our feelings, or, do something that will get to us, but we are to at that time be able to forgive. The problems that we have in this area is that we to often allow things to grow and grow until we get to the point that we have a difficult time talking with the individual let alone forgiving them. This should not be in the Christian life. Christians can disagree without being disagreeable.
b. 1 Cor. 3: 13: It is here stated that charity, love, is the greatest, even of faith and hope. When we love right then we will live right. We cannot love right if we do not have the love of Christ living and dwelling within us. 1 Peter 4: 8 says that "charity shall cover the multitude of sins". We will not continue to re-hash over and over what has been done to us if we love correctly. We will not talk to others about the issue before we talk to the one who has created the issue according to Matt. 18: 15-17. Love will truly cover our sins if we only live in the realm of a Christ like love.
I encourage everyone who reads this blog to examine yourself and see where you stand in the area of forgiveness, I know that I have.
Monday, February 16, 2009
I spoke to our congregation last evening concerning faith. Jude 3 was were I took my text. "ye should earnestly contend for the faith". In this passage Jude points out what was needed for the Christians of that day and one that spills over to present day as well.
What is faith? We notice in Hebrews 11:1, the author, of which I believe to be the apostle Paul, gives us both a definition and a description of what faith is and what it gives to the Christian.
1. Faith is substance. Of what? It is the substance of hope. Hope in the coming of our Lord to redeem his Church. Hope in that his word is sure. And hope of the future glorification of his saints.
2. Faith is evidence; Of what? It is the evidence of seeing the Lord work in the lives of those around us as well as in our life itself. We see the evidence of this faith when one comes to know the Lord as Saviour. We see evidence of faith when we see the Lord answer prayer.
Jude 3 again tells us to "earnestly contend for the faith" The word contend means to "fight for". I am reminded of a prize fighter who wants to win the title. He prepares himself months in advance to fight with all he has for that title. He realizes that there is possibility that he might be knocked out or be cut to the point of not being able to continue on, but the fears do not stop him. He trains and trains until the night of the fight. When he steps into the ring and now faces the opponent, he is relying on all of the training, all of his preparation to carry him through to win the title. That is what Jude is saying to us as well. We have been training and training, preparing ourselves to meet the challenges that lie ahead. Temptation is on every side, without faith in the Lord to give us the strength that we need to withstand and to resist, we would no doubt fall and fall again every time temptation is there. Test are a part of every Christians life. There have been times that the test have been tough. And times that I did not think that I would get through them. It was my faith in the Lord that carried me through. Others encouraged me to keep going on and it was there faith, directed towards me, that helped me through. When others see that our faith works, and that things are accomplished through faith, then it gives them more reason to "contend for the faith".
Jude 20 says that we are to build ourselves up in our "most holy faith". We do this through prayer and time with the Lord. We do this by getting into Gods word and not just reading it, but studying it the way we should. What great mountains are moved with just a little faith, but what greater mountains are moved with greater faith. I have never noticed in the bible where the Lord said to be mountain climbers, but he has said in his word that with faith we can tell the mountain to move and it will be done. Why then do we want to be mountain climbers when through faith the mountain can be removed? Abraham and Issac are brought to mind when speaking of mountains. Abraham is to offer Issac as a sacrifice. Now, not only was it the physical mountain Abraham and Issac were climbing, but I believe in a greater since was the spiritual mountain that they were both climbing. Issac not yet realizing that it would be he that would be offered, and not yet seeing the sacrifice that he had been used to seeing at the times of sacrifice. Abraham, wondering why God, whom he loved, would want him to do such a thing to his son, a son of promise. Abraham's obedience is no doubt seen in this truth of the word, but I see his faith as well. I see it when he says to Issac, "God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering", Gen 21:8. The Lord will never tempt us with evil but will test our faith. Abraham, after the test, would no doubt have more complete faith in God by seeing what God would do when he was faithful to God. This was also a learning lesson for Issac, that when you are faithful and obedient to God that He will supply all of your needs.
Col. 2:7, Paul says to be "stablished in the faith", meaning to be established in faith. There is one reason that Christian people cannot ever win the battles in their lives and that is that they are not established in the faith. They do not believe that the Lord will do for them what he said he would do. Therefore they never exercise their faith. Faith is like a muscle, if it is not used, then it becomes weak and then when you really have to apply it , it will not be able to hold the wait. We must be established in our faith. It was good enough to save us, it is good enough to keep us, and it will be good enough to carry us through.
Faith, what an amazing gift that the Lord gave us and continues to give us on a daily basis!
What is faith? We notice in Hebrews 11:1, the author, of which I believe to be the apostle Paul, gives us both a definition and a description of what faith is and what it gives to the Christian.
1. Faith is substance. Of what? It is the substance of hope. Hope in the coming of our Lord to redeem his Church. Hope in that his word is sure. And hope of the future glorification of his saints.
2. Faith is evidence; Of what? It is the evidence of seeing the Lord work in the lives of those around us as well as in our life itself. We see the evidence of this faith when one comes to know the Lord as Saviour. We see evidence of faith when we see the Lord answer prayer.
Jude 3 again tells us to "earnestly contend for the faith" The word contend means to "fight for". I am reminded of a prize fighter who wants to win the title. He prepares himself months in advance to fight with all he has for that title. He realizes that there is possibility that he might be knocked out or be cut to the point of not being able to continue on, but the fears do not stop him. He trains and trains until the night of the fight. When he steps into the ring and now faces the opponent, he is relying on all of the training, all of his preparation to carry him through to win the title. That is what Jude is saying to us as well. We have been training and training, preparing ourselves to meet the challenges that lie ahead. Temptation is on every side, without faith in the Lord to give us the strength that we need to withstand and to resist, we would no doubt fall and fall again every time temptation is there. Test are a part of every Christians life. There have been times that the test have been tough. And times that I did not think that I would get through them. It was my faith in the Lord that carried me through. Others encouraged me to keep going on and it was there faith, directed towards me, that helped me through. When others see that our faith works, and that things are accomplished through faith, then it gives them more reason to "contend for the faith".
Jude 20 says that we are to build ourselves up in our "most holy faith". We do this through prayer and time with the Lord. We do this by getting into Gods word and not just reading it, but studying it the way we should. What great mountains are moved with just a little faith, but what greater mountains are moved with greater faith. I have never noticed in the bible where the Lord said to be mountain climbers, but he has said in his word that with faith we can tell the mountain to move and it will be done. Why then do we want to be mountain climbers when through faith the mountain can be removed? Abraham and Issac are brought to mind when speaking of mountains. Abraham is to offer Issac as a sacrifice. Now, not only was it the physical mountain Abraham and Issac were climbing, but I believe in a greater since was the spiritual mountain that they were both climbing. Issac not yet realizing that it would be he that would be offered, and not yet seeing the sacrifice that he had been used to seeing at the times of sacrifice. Abraham, wondering why God, whom he loved, would want him to do such a thing to his son, a son of promise. Abraham's obedience is no doubt seen in this truth of the word, but I see his faith as well. I see it when he says to Issac, "God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering", Gen 21:8. The Lord will never tempt us with evil but will test our faith. Abraham, after the test, would no doubt have more complete faith in God by seeing what God would do when he was faithful to God. This was also a learning lesson for Issac, that when you are faithful and obedient to God that He will supply all of your needs.
Col. 2:7, Paul says to be "stablished in the faith", meaning to be established in faith. There is one reason that Christian people cannot ever win the battles in their lives and that is that they are not established in the faith. They do not believe that the Lord will do for them what he said he would do. Therefore they never exercise their faith. Faith is like a muscle, if it is not used, then it becomes weak and then when you really have to apply it , it will not be able to hold the wait. We must be established in our faith. It was good enough to save us, it is good enough to keep us, and it will be good enough to carry us through.
Faith, what an amazing gift that the Lord gave us and continues to give us on a daily basis!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Lights Are On !
It has been a long two weeks here in Kentucky. We lost power at the house on a Tuesday and have just now received the power back. Praise the Lord! My family and I have been staying with my mother at her apartment. We were cramped but thank the Lord we had a place to go. Many lost there power like us and had to stay several nights at local shelters, eating the infamous F.E.M.A. meals, which are really nothing more than military food. Of course the call came out to be careful and not eat the peanut butter,( I wounder just how many ate it before they made that call?). Now it's on to re-group and get things back in order.
During this time, I noticed the evil side of man as well as the good side. There were some who were threatening the utility workers if they did not receive their power, yet at the same time there were some who were doing all they could do to help one another out. Others were actually stealing peoples food and kerosene for their heaters, while others were helping fill each others tanks and loading it in the vehicle for them. Amazing how ones true colors come out during a time of crisis. It reminds me of the Apostle Paul and how in Romans 8 he talks of the Spirit and the flesh. Also how he himself had to battle the flesh in Romans 7. Bro. Paul tells us in Galatians 5: 16 & 17, that if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, and that the Spirit and the flesh "lusteth" against one another, meaning to have desires of different things. We are certain that this flesh whether saved or unsaved still has a sin nature, and if we are not careful we too will "fulfill the lust of the flesh". It is so easy to get aggravated at the circumstances and so easy to let minor things really bother us more than they should. We have to keep in mind who we are serving. We also have to keep in mind just how our actions have an affect on someone else around us negative or positive. If I could simply live by these simple rules of the Christian life, how much more of a witness could I be if I were to shine a light in the dark places of my life?
I know by reading Gods word that here we will never be perfect, and yes just as the saints of old had to deal with day to day problems physical and spiritual, we will have them as well. We will not always when every battle that we face, but Praise the Lord we will win the war!!
Please pray for those that are working on the power lines and for those that are still without power as well. I pray that the Lord will use this time to open the eyes of those that are still in the spiritual darkness.
During this time, I noticed the evil side of man as well as the good side. There were some who were threatening the utility workers if they did not receive their power, yet at the same time there were some who were doing all they could do to help one another out. Others were actually stealing peoples food and kerosene for their heaters, while others were helping fill each others tanks and loading it in the vehicle for them. Amazing how ones true colors come out during a time of crisis. It reminds me of the Apostle Paul and how in Romans 8 he talks of the Spirit and the flesh. Also how he himself had to battle the flesh in Romans 7. Bro. Paul tells us in Galatians 5: 16 & 17, that if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, and that the Spirit and the flesh "lusteth" against one another, meaning to have desires of different things. We are certain that this flesh whether saved or unsaved still has a sin nature, and if we are not careful we too will "fulfill the lust of the flesh". It is so easy to get aggravated at the circumstances and so easy to let minor things really bother us more than they should. We have to keep in mind who we are serving. We also have to keep in mind just how our actions have an affect on someone else around us negative or positive. If I could simply live by these simple rules of the Christian life, how much more of a witness could I be if I were to shine a light in the dark places of my life?
I know by reading Gods word that here we will never be perfect, and yes just as the saints of old had to deal with day to day problems physical and spiritual, we will have them as well. We will not always when every battle that we face, but Praise the Lord we will win the war!!
Please pray for those that are working on the power lines and for those that are still without power as well. I pray that the Lord will use this time to open the eyes of those that are still in the spiritual darkness.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Early Morning
It's Tuesday morning and I have already been out trying to go to work, but, due to the weather conditions I had to turn around and come back home. I hate to miss a day at work, I feel like a fish out of water. This day will be a day of study and of course prayer. Who ever sees this blog, if you are in the same situation then you know what I am talking about.
Over the past few Sundays the adult class has been seeing what the church is about. What the church is made up of and what our mission and responsibilities are as a new testament church. The studies have been really good and we are looking forward to seeing more of what God expects out of his church. There are several adults in the class that have been saved for years and I believe that some of the things that we have covered so far has been somewhat of new information to them. One older gentleman told me that what was being talked about in class has never been explained to him like it is being explained now. That it is being broken down to where he can really understand the mission of the church and the responsibilities better than he ever has before. Now let me insert this, it is in no way that I am trying to lift myself or anyone else up. I want to let everyone know that it is the Lord and no one else that can open the heart and mind of an individual, so please do not think that I am taking any of the glory. I only mention this to say this. It is a shame and I believe a disappointment to the Lord that those to whom God has placed the call to preach and to teach his word do not see the importance of sharing things of this nature with the people that God has placed them over. I could mention other things as well but will not go into anything other than this area right now.
When I first took the church there was a great need for education along with the preaching of the word. Therefore the term pastoring is applied. Men of God who have the call of a pastor have more of a responsibility to their congregation and to God than to just preach the word. I feel that there is a majority of pastors who have lost this vision and are doing there people a disservice by not implementing education into their ministry. Pastors need to understand that knowledge and the wisdom of how to use this knowledge is power. Not of self, but power of God to know how to rightfully share the Gospel message and to know how to resist the devil. Of how to win battles in their lives and to know how to serve God in a better way. We as pastors do have a heavy responsibility placed on us, but I look at this as a blessing. We need to have a burden for not only lost souls, but for the people that have already been saved, serving the Lord as well. I think at times they get lost in the mix somewhat. I shared on this past Sunday morning the burdens that God had laid on my heart for them as a people and for the church. They are as follows; 1. The burden of seeing lost souls come to know the Lord through this ministry. 2. The burden that new converts as well as the older converts grow in knowledge and mature in the word. 3. The burden that the church is a beacon in our community and that others see a church that is still on fire for God and still preaching and teaching the true bible,KJB. 4. That through our efforts we remain a solid reflection of Christ and a solid reflection of our church. I thank God that some have come to know the Lord as Saviour, as well as being baptised. I always let the people know that it is not me, but the Spirit of Christ that draws them to repentance, and that by their efforts one was able to hear the Gospel message and be saved.
I want God to continually use me in his service, not for any glory of my own, but that I may in some way be a light and a good example to others. Bro. Dave Noffsinger shared this with me a while back, "inspiration without education leads to frustration", how true that really is.
Over the past few Sundays the adult class has been seeing what the church is about. What the church is made up of and what our mission and responsibilities are as a new testament church. The studies have been really good and we are looking forward to seeing more of what God expects out of his church. There are several adults in the class that have been saved for years and I believe that some of the things that we have covered so far has been somewhat of new information to them. One older gentleman told me that what was being talked about in class has never been explained to him like it is being explained now. That it is being broken down to where he can really understand the mission of the church and the responsibilities better than he ever has before. Now let me insert this, it is in no way that I am trying to lift myself or anyone else up. I want to let everyone know that it is the Lord and no one else that can open the heart and mind of an individual, so please do not think that I am taking any of the glory. I only mention this to say this. It is a shame and I believe a disappointment to the Lord that those to whom God has placed the call to preach and to teach his word do not see the importance of sharing things of this nature with the people that God has placed them over. I could mention other things as well but will not go into anything other than this area right now.
When I first took the church there was a great need for education along with the preaching of the word. Therefore the term pastoring is applied. Men of God who have the call of a pastor have more of a responsibility to their congregation and to God than to just preach the word. I feel that there is a majority of pastors who have lost this vision and are doing there people a disservice by not implementing education into their ministry. Pastors need to understand that knowledge and the wisdom of how to use this knowledge is power. Not of self, but power of God to know how to rightfully share the Gospel message and to know how to resist the devil. Of how to win battles in their lives and to know how to serve God in a better way. We as pastors do have a heavy responsibility placed on us, but I look at this as a blessing. We need to have a burden for not only lost souls, but for the people that have already been saved, serving the Lord as well. I think at times they get lost in the mix somewhat. I shared on this past Sunday morning the burdens that God had laid on my heart for them as a people and for the church. They are as follows; 1. The burden of seeing lost souls come to know the Lord through this ministry. 2. The burden that new converts as well as the older converts grow in knowledge and mature in the word. 3. The burden that the church is a beacon in our community and that others see a church that is still on fire for God and still preaching and teaching the true bible,KJB. 4. That through our efforts we remain a solid reflection of Christ and a solid reflection of our church. I thank God that some have come to know the Lord as Saviour, as well as being baptised. I always let the people know that it is not me, but the Spirit of Christ that draws them to repentance, and that by their efforts one was able to hear the Gospel message and be saved.
I want God to continually use me in his service, not for any glory of my own, but that I may in some way be a light and a good example to others. Bro. Dave Noffsinger shared this with me a while back, "inspiration without education leads to frustration", how true that really is.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Another One Saved
Yesterday was a great day at the house of God! We had a man who came for the second time and the Spirit of the Lord dealt with is heart and he came to know the Lord as his Saviour. He also followed the Lord in believers baptism. What A GREAT day!!!
It is still amazing to me how the Lord continues to move and work. Really it shouldn't"t be because after all he is the King of Kings and the Lord Of Lords. I am also amazed how the Almighty God could use a worthless vessel like me to preach the greatest message ever to be told. I am truly humbled at the thought that he would place a great responsibility on me and that a person would even listen to what I have to say. I feel sometimes like Moses, why would they listen to me?, but then I have to remember that it is not me but it is he who lives in me. The Spirit is much greater than I am, no doubt! I truly love him and I know that he loves me. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). I am so glad that he considers me his friend.
It is still amazing to me how the Lord continues to move and work. Really it shouldn't"t be because after all he is the King of Kings and the Lord Of Lords. I am also amazed how the Almighty God could use a worthless vessel like me to preach the greatest message ever to be told. I am truly humbled at the thought that he would place a great responsibility on me and that a person would even listen to what I have to say. I feel sometimes like Moses, why would they listen to me?, but then I have to remember that it is not me but it is he who lives in me. The Spirit is much greater than I am, no doubt! I truly love him and I know that he loves me. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). I am so glad that he considers me his friend.
Friday, January 23, 2009
New Mexico Issue
Today I learned of a new attack by the homosexual crowd of renewed efforts in pushing their agenda of "same sex marriages", this time the target is in the state of New Mexico.
How could anyone with a right mind really believe that this lifestyle, or should I say correctly, SIN, is a right way of living? What is more disturbing is there was discussion from those that claim to be Christians that we, (Christians), need to dialog with these people and see what the real root of the person is that would make them want to live this way. My opinion is, HOGWASH!! We as Christians need to continue to love the person but we need to see it for what it really is and that of course is sin. Why do some so called Christians have a problem with calling it what it is? Why do they think that a person that has chosen to live this way can change over some type of stimulating conversation. The answer is my friend is that they can't and won't without the Spirit of the Lord dealing with their heart first. Yes, we need to pray for these people and yes, we need to love these people with a Godly, Christ centered love just as he did and still does today, but to think that our talk or conversation will change what these have chosen to be will not accomplish a thing without the Spirit moving and working in the lives of the homosexual person. The bible clearly states that this lifestyle is an "abomination unto God", and so it should be with us as well.
We are really living in a wicked world, and I am afraid that it is only going to get worse. We have a President that pushes this agenda, and a congress that will back him up, both democrat and republican. What are we to do? Simply put, Pray! The bible tells us to pray for those who are in authority over us. It may be difficult to do at times, but needed none the less. Will you pray with me for our leaders? I hope that you will. Christ return is soon coming and we need to be found faithful in all things.
How could anyone with a right mind really believe that this lifestyle, or should I say correctly, SIN, is a right way of living? What is more disturbing is there was discussion from those that claim to be Christians that we, (Christians), need to dialog with these people and see what the real root of the person is that would make them want to live this way. My opinion is, HOGWASH!! We as Christians need to continue to love the person but we need to see it for what it really is and that of course is sin. Why do some so called Christians have a problem with calling it what it is? Why do they think that a person that has chosen to live this way can change over some type of stimulating conversation. The answer is my friend is that they can't and won't without the Spirit of the Lord dealing with their heart first. Yes, we need to pray for these people and yes, we need to love these people with a Godly, Christ centered love just as he did and still does today, but to think that our talk or conversation will change what these have chosen to be will not accomplish a thing without the Spirit moving and working in the lives of the homosexual person. The bible clearly states that this lifestyle is an "abomination unto God", and so it should be with us as well.
We are really living in a wicked world, and I am afraid that it is only going to get worse. We have a President that pushes this agenda, and a congress that will back him up, both democrat and republican. What are we to do? Simply put, Pray! The bible tells us to pray for those who are in authority over us. It may be difficult to do at times, but needed none the less. Will you pray with me for our leaders? I hope that you will. Christ return is soon coming and we need to be found faithful in all things.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday Service
We had a good time in the Lord last evening. We had another visitor, and I thank the Lord for the ones that he has blessed us with over the past few months.
I do ask for your prayers for two ladies that have been coming. One of the ladies has not been in a while. We have went to see her and she says she is coming but we haven't seen her in a few Sundays. Her name is Sonya. I give her name because I feel that we should pray specifically for the person and the need that they have.
The second lady has been told by her husband, which at this time is in prison, that he wants her to go to another church that he was attending before he went to prison. This church is a new age church and really outside of the biblical teachings and standards of the bible. Please pray for her that God would deal with her concerning this decision. Her name is Samantha.
As I see people and the way some are going and the way the devil is working it truly lets me know that the Lords return is at hand. As we are yet still here, it is more imperative that we reach the lost with the gospel and try to win as many souls as we can before his return. Please pray with me concerning our efforts and I will certainly pray with you in your efforts.
John 14:3 "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
I do ask for your prayers for two ladies that have been coming. One of the ladies has not been in a while. We have went to see her and she says she is coming but we haven't seen her in a few Sundays. Her name is Sonya. I give her name because I feel that we should pray specifically for the person and the need that they have.
The second lady has been told by her husband, which at this time is in prison, that he wants her to go to another church that he was attending before he went to prison. This church is a new age church and really outside of the biblical teachings and standards of the bible. Please pray for her that God would deal with her concerning this decision. Her name is Samantha.
As I see people and the way some are going and the way the devil is working it truly lets me know that the Lords return is at hand. As we are yet still here, it is more imperative that we reach the lost with the gospel and try to win as many souls as we can before his return. Please pray with me concerning our efforts and I will certainly pray with you in your efforts.
John 14:3 "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
Monday, January 19, 2009
What a great man of God Elijah was, and what wonderful examples that we can glean from his life. The Lord was gracious enough to allow me to bring a message from The book of I Kings 17:1-7 concerning the first encounter of this mighty man of God.
I. The Person of Elijah:
a. In the Hebrew, his name meant "Yah is El", or, "Jehovah is God".
b. He never gave himself over to the worship of Baal or to any other false idol of that day.
c. He was devoted to the denouncement of idol worship through out his ministry.
d. Within his ministry there are several notable miracles that God performed using this man Elijah;
1d. The unending supply of meal and oil for the widow women and her son.
2d. The raising of her son from the dead.
3d. The eventual return of rain.
4d. The fire that consumed the burnt sacrifice and water around the altar.
II. The Pronouncement of Elijah:
a. vs. 1 - "Before whom I stand"; here Elijah is undoubtedly identifying himself with God.
b. Elijah is also saying that he is not for sale. That is, he is not one that can be bought off to make go away.
c. He is also saying that he is not part of the crowd. Jezebel nor Ahab could not persuade him to become one of them.
III. The Prediction of Elijah:
a. No dew or rain. This would mean complete and utter famine and drought upon the people of Israel because of the decisions that Ahab had made. We do affect others.
b. God was challenging the false god, Baal-Melkarth, the god of storms and of crops.
IV. The Place of Provision:
a. The Brook Cherith. It was a tributary for the river Jordan, and it lay on the eastern side of the Jordan. There God would water his servant. God will never let his faithful ones to go without the necessities of life.
b. He was fed by Ravens. An unclean bird, a bird that ate insects and carrion alike. In Lev. 11:15, they were forbidden for food because of their unclean nature. Isn't it wonderful that God sent his son to clean up our unclean nature? Though we still have a sin nature, we are not held captive to it any longer if we are a child of God.
What great man was Elijah. Respected even through the new testament church as a man that walked close to God. He even appeared at the Mount of Transfiguration with Moses. Some even called Christ a rebirth of Elijah. He was but one of two men that did not see a physical death, the other being Enoch. Pretty good company I would say. Like Elisha we to could desire a double portion of the spirit of Elijah.
I. The Person of Elijah:
a. In the Hebrew, his name meant "Yah is El", or, "Jehovah is God".
b. He never gave himself over to the worship of Baal or to any other false idol of that day.
c. He was devoted to the denouncement of idol worship through out his ministry.
d. Within his ministry there are several notable miracles that God performed using this man Elijah;
1d. The unending supply of meal and oil for the widow women and her son.
2d. The raising of her son from the dead.
3d. The eventual return of rain.
4d. The fire that consumed the burnt sacrifice and water around the altar.
II. The Pronouncement of Elijah:
a. vs. 1 - "Before whom I stand"; here Elijah is undoubtedly identifying himself with God.
b. Elijah is also saying that he is not for sale. That is, he is not one that can be bought off to make go away.
c. He is also saying that he is not part of the crowd. Jezebel nor Ahab could not persuade him to become one of them.
III. The Prediction of Elijah:
a. No dew or rain. This would mean complete and utter famine and drought upon the people of Israel because of the decisions that Ahab had made. We do affect others.
b. God was challenging the false god, Baal-Melkarth, the god of storms and of crops.
IV. The Place of Provision:
a. The Brook Cherith. It was a tributary for the river Jordan, and it lay on the eastern side of the Jordan. There God would water his servant. God will never let his faithful ones to go without the necessities of life.
b. He was fed by Ravens. An unclean bird, a bird that ate insects and carrion alike. In Lev. 11:15, they were forbidden for food because of their unclean nature. Isn't it wonderful that God sent his son to clean up our unclean nature? Though we still have a sin nature, we are not held captive to it any longer if we are a child of God.
What great man was Elijah. Respected even through the new testament church as a man that walked close to God. He even appeared at the Mount of Transfiguration with Moses. Some even called Christ a rebirth of Elijah. He was but one of two men that did not see a physical death, the other being Enoch. Pretty good company I would say. Like Elisha we to could desire a double portion of the spirit of Elijah.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Ambassadors For Christ
II Cor. 5:20 - Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christs stead, be ye reconciled in God.
In the context of this scripture, we notice that Paul is discussing the matter of reconciliation. And truly we must be reconciled to God and must be reconciled one with another in order to carry out the complete plan of God in our lives. Reconciliation is the act of God, on the basis of Christ death, eliminating the enmity or separation of our fellowship together and bringing us to a complete and maturing fellowship with Him. The cause of this separation was sin and the answer was the cross.
I want to look at this word ambassador. In the political world, an ambassador is the highest diplomatic position to a foreign country. Along with this position comes great responsibility. They are in essence the eyes and ears of the nation in which they represent. The ambassador will receive messages and deliver messages, they will relay policy issues with the host government to assure that all things are in control politically, and we could go on and on. Now, I want us to look at how we as Christians are really ambassadors for Christ.
What messages do we bring from the kingdom in which we represent? What is it that we are trying to relay to people who do not know our King? Not only do we bring a message to the lost, but to the saved as well. What are we giving to the saved, what type of message are we bringing to them?
First of all, I believe that the message of salvation is a message that should be relayed to both the lost and the saved alike. To the lost it's a hope that Christ is still willing to forgive them. John 3:16 shows just how much he loves us and the reward for accepting his gift. To the saved it's a continual message in that we remember what Christ has done for us and through are accepting of his gift we have eternal life. Sometimes I think we forget what he's done for us.
Secondly, the message of encouragement must be delivered. What a great fellowship encouragement brings. When your down just the words of another sister or brother in Christ can make all the difference in how your day is going. It's amazing to me how the Spirit will put someone on your mind and just that phone call or visit can truly be a blessing. In Deut. 3:28, Moses was instructed by God to encourage Joshua for the upcoming responsibility he was about to embark on. What encouragement we can get from the man of God.
Thirdly, the message of hope. What is hope? Hope is confidence, confidence in knowing what God said he will do, he will do. Confidence in knowing that no matter what this world may do Christ will still one day redeem his church. It's a confidence in knowing that one day I'll see those that have already gone to be with him. Confidence in knowing that that he will deliver me from all my enemies. What a hope we have in Christ! Without this hope I would surely be lost, in this present world and to the world to come.
So, as ambassadors we have a message to bring. How are we delivering the message? Do people see Christ in us? What responsibility we have as his children. God help me to be the ambassador you want me to be.
In the context of this scripture, we notice that Paul is discussing the matter of reconciliation. And truly we must be reconciled to God and must be reconciled one with another in order to carry out the complete plan of God in our lives. Reconciliation is the act of God, on the basis of Christ death, eliminating the enmity or separation of our fellowship together and bringing us to a complete and maturing fellowship with Him. The cause of this separation was sin and the answer was the cross.
I want to look at this word ambassador. In the political world, an ambassador is the highest diplomatic position to a foreign country. Along with this position comes great responsibility. They are in essence the eyes and ears of the nation in which they represent. The ambassador will receive messages and deliver messages, they will relay policy issues with the host government to assure that all things are in control politically, and we could go on and on. Now, I want us to look at how we as Christians are really ambassadors for Christ.
What messages do we bring from the kingdom in which we represent? What is it that we are trying to relay to people who do not know our King? Not only do we bring a message to the lost, but to the saved as well. What are we giving to the saved, what type of message are we bringing to them?
First of all, I believe that the message of salvation is a message that should be relayed to both the lost and the saved alike. To the lost it's a hope that Christ is still willing to forgive them. John 3:16 shows just how much he loves us and the reward for accepting his gift. To the saved it's a continual message in that we remember what Christ has done for us and through are accepting of his gift we have eternal life. Sometimes I think we forget what he's done for us.
Secondly, the message of encouragement must be delivered. What a great fellowship encouragement brings. When your down just the words of another sister or brother in Christ can make all the difference in how your day is going. It's amazing to me how the Spirit will put someone on your mind and just that phone call or visit can truly be a blessing. In Deut. 3:28, Moses was instructed by God to encourage Joshua for the upcoming responsibility he was about to embark on. What encouragement we can get from the man of God.
Thirdly, the message of hope. What is hope? Hope is confidence, confidence in knowing what God said he will do, he will do. Confidence in knowing that no matter what this world may do Christ will still one day redeem his church. It's a confidence in knowing that one day I'll see those that have already gone to be with him. Confidence in knowing that that he will deliver me from all my enemies. What a hope we have in Christ! Without this hope I would surely be lost, in this present world and to the world to come.
So, as ambassadors we have a message to bring. How are we delivering the message? Do people see Christ in us? What responsibility we have as his children. God help me to be the ambassador you want me to be.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Soul Winning
Our desire as Christians should be to win the lost for Christ. No one is going to win them for us. I have to say that the Lord has really blessed the efforts at the church in which I am honored to be pastor.
Over the past few months we have seen five come to know the Lord as Saviour and five baptized. Now I am not bragging on anyone or myself as pastor, but I am bragging on the Lord. We are not a big congregation, only around thirty to thirty five on Sunday morning, but what the Lord has done has truly been amazing. The Spirit of the Lord is so real and evident in our people that it warms my heart to see how the Lord can take a small group of people and do his will. I mus say this, no matter what the size of the people, if God is in it, there is nothing impossible with him! There are times that we can grow tired and grow weary, but in those times just wait and hang on, God is getting ready to move. If I can be an encouragement to someone who maybe facing this trial of not knowing when or if God will, believe me that he will, and when he does get ready to be amazed! My favorite verse is Isaiah 40:31, " But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. "
Over the past few months we have seen five come to know the Lord as Saviour and five baptized. Now I am not bragging on anyone or myself as pastor, but I am bragging on the Lord. We are not a big congregation, only around thirty to thirty five on Sunday morning, but what the Lord has done has truly been amazing. The Spirit of the Lord is so real and evident in our people that it warms my heart to see how the Lord can take a small group of people and do his will. I mus say this, no matter what the size of the people, if God is in it, there is nothing impossible with him! There are times that we can grow tired and grow weary, but in those times just wait and hang on, God is getting ready to move. If I can be an encouragement to someone who maybe facing this trial of not knowing when or if God will, believe me that he will, and when he does get ready to be amazed! My favorite verse is Isaiah 40:31, " But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. "
Friday, January 9, 2009
Correct, Not Political
I was thinking while on the job today, of the messed up shape that our country is in. Not so much on the economy, but of how there is a host of people trying to be politically correct. I was also thinking of how most people really have no idea of why they are trying to be this way. I believe that most are simply doing this because someone has made it fashionable, or even more possible, because that they were told to do so and like drones they are simply following suit. I am not just speaking of those outside of the church either, I am talking about the ones that are in church every Sunday, and say that they are indeed saved.
We are a people that get caught up in the "catch phrase" society. If it sounds reasonably right then most of us jump on the band wagon, never realizing just what for. Our God expects more out of his children then what at times we are giving him. I can't tell you how many, "Christians", do not want to call sin by it's rightful name, SIN! Those that are in this attitude are tolerant of sin rather than telling people the penalty of sin. They are willing to look the other way and use the term, "we'll be praying for you", and rightfully so, but just simply praying does not cut the mustard. We know what "thus saith the Lord" on this matter of sin.
In the days of Sodom and Gomorrah it was" grievous" unto the LORD. As so should the sin of today be grievous to us as well. Gods opinion of sin has not changed. It still separates us from God. Not our salvation, but of our fellowship with him. How painful and loathsome to the Lord this attitude that some, so called Christians, have today about the very thing that the bible clearly explains will send people to hell. Have people become so immune to the fact that there is still a literal burning hell? Have they become so cold that there is no longer a burden for lost souls? God in Heaven help us if we to become so immune with such a blindness to realize that people are still dieing and going to that awful place! Matthew 9:37, "Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few". We need to take a stand today and be correct, not political.
We are a people that get caught up in the "catch phrase" society. If it sounds reasonably right then most of us jump on the band wagon, never realizing just what for. Our God expects more out of his children then what at times we are giving him. I can't tell you how many, "Christians", do not want to call sin by it's rightful name, SIN! Those that are in this attitude are tolerant of sin rather than telling people the penalty of sin. They are willing to look the other way and use the term, "we'll be praying for you", and rightfully so, but just simply praying does not cut the mustard. We know what "thus saith the Lord" on this matter of sin.
In the days of Sodom and Gomorrah it was" grievous" unto the LORD. As so should the sin of today be grievous to us as well. Gods opinion of sin has not changed. It still separates us from God. Not our salvation, but of our fellowship with him. How painful and loathsome to the Lord this attitude that some, so called Christians, have today about the very thing that the bible clearly explains will send people to hell. Have people become so immune to the fact that there is still a literal burning hell? Have they become so cold that there is no longer a burden for lost souls? God in Heaven help us if we to become so immune with such a blindness to realize that people are still dieing and going to that awful place! Matthew 9:37, "Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few". We need to take a stand today and be correct, not political.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Good Steward
When we think of the good steward we naturally think of the servant to whom was given little increased what he had and gained more, Matt25:15. As much as this is the truth of the word of God, God does expect us to be good stewards as well. Now, we may also be thinking along the lines of the monetary blessings that God provides, and as well we should, ICor. 16:2, and IICor.8:3. However, God does desire us to be good stewards in more areas of life that that of money.
I. In the time he gives us.
Hosea 10:12: "Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you." In this particular text, Hosea is talking of the coming punishment of the people of Israel due to going away from God. We do see what he says in two areas that we take note from.
a. "break up your fallow ground" meaning untilled or unbroken ground. How often we could go beyond our comfort zones so to speak and do just that. How much more spiritual ground we could till for the honor and the glory of God. Broken ground is meant for planting and then the harvest, but it starts with breaking the ground in order to prepare it for the planting.
b. "for it is time to seek the LORD". Notice how the name LORD is kept in all upper case letters. This is to mean that the writer is referring to God, Jehovah, the only true and real God. How imperative it is certainly today that we seek God;
1b- For his direction.
2b- For his help.
3b- For his forgiveness.
II. In our abilities.
We'll not speak to long on this subject, my other blog took care of most of this. However, Ezra 2:69 speaks of the ability of giving. I Peter 4:11 speaks of using our abilities to honor and glorify God which is why we are created for. Though some may not have what one would say is a talent to sing, preach etc., we all have the ability to do something for God that truly would honor and glorify him.
III. In our influence.
Influence: The power to affect others; the power to produce the desired effect.
We influence people on a daily basis whether knowingly, or unknowingly. We show others who and what we truly are in ways that we do not even realize. We influence others in;
a. Our conversation.
b. Our actions.
c. Our dress.
Romans 12:1- "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
One word is mentioned in both verse one and in verse two, acceptable. Each one of us must present ourselves acceptable and by our transforming, after our salvation, prove what is the acceptable will of God for our lives. How acceptable are we to God right now? How acceptable were we a few hours ago? We have to realize that even though we are as Christians accepted by him, we are not always acceptable to him. How much the more should we strive to be acceptable to him.
I. In the time he gives us.
Hosea 10:12: "Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you." In this particular text, Hosea is talking of the coming punishment of the people of Israel due to going away from God. We do see what he says in two areas that we take note from.
a. "break up your fallow ground" meaning untilled or unbroken ground. How often we could go beyond our comfort zones so to speak and do just that. How much more spiritual ground we could till for the honor and the glory of God. Broken ground is meant for planting and then the harvest, but it starts with breaking the ground in order to prepare it for the planting.
b. "for it is time to seek the LORD". Notice how the name LORD is kept in all upper case letters. This is to mean that the writer is referring to God, Jehovah, the only true and real God. How imperative it is certainly today that we seek God;
1b- For his direction.
2b- For his help.
3b- For his forgiveness.
II. In our abilities.
We'll not speak to long on this subject, my other blog took care of most of this. However, Ezra 2:69 speaks of the ability of giving. I Peter 4:11 speaks of using our abilities to honor and glorify God which is why we are created for. Though some may not have what one would say is a talent to sing, preach etc., we all have the ability to do something for God that truly would honor and glorify him.
III. In our influence.
Influence: The power to affect others; the power to produce the desired effect.
We influence people on a daily basis whether knowingly, or unknowingly. We show others who and what we truly are in ways that we do not even realize. We influence others in;
a. Our conversation.
b. Our actions.
c. Our dress.
Romans 12:1- "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
One word is mentioned in both verse one and in verse two, acceptable. Each one of us must present ourselves acceptable and by our transforming, after our salvation, prove what is the acceptable will of God for our lives. How acceptable are we to God right now? How acceptable were we a few hours ago? We have to realize that even though we are as Christians accepted by him, we are not always acceptable to him. How much the more should we strive to be acceptable to him.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Abilities, what does the bible say about abilities?
I was studying for my continuing message series on stewardship, when I came to Matt. 25:15. Now I have read and re-read this portion of scripture many times, and one thing just really jumped out at me this time that I read this verse again.
When the man that is mentioned gives to his servants the talents, (to one he gave five, to another he gave two, and to another he gave one), I noticed that the bible says that he gave them according to their "several ability". Now, I wondered just what the Lord was saying here. This is what the Lord gave me as I studied.
As to the one with five talents, according to his ability he must have been able to accomplish more with the ability that he had. The scripture says that he "went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents". The second servant did likewise, and of course we know that the other servant went and buried his because he was afraid of what might happen should he lose it or would not to be able to gain more for his lord. What stuck out to me was not the fact that the servant did nothing with his talent, but that each one had ability to do better only if they would apply it.
How often do we use the ability the Lord has given each of us? Not everyone, (man), is called to preach, not everyone, (man), is called to be an evangelist, and not everyone has the ability to carry a tune. What is amazing though is everyone does have the ability to do something to glorify God. It could be as simple as mowing the grass, or as simple as vacuuming the carpet at the church. It could be as simple as shaking a visitors hand and welcoming them to the service, or how about this, as simple as praying that God would bless the pastor and the members of his or her church.
It's amazing what abilities we really have if we would just stop and think for a moment, that we do not all have to be able to sing, or be able to teach a class to have an ability that God wants to use. He will use what ever we have if we give it to him freely and willfully. He took five loaves and two fish and fed over five thousand with plenty left over. WHAT COULD HE DO WITH US?
I was studying for my continuing message series on stewardship, when I came to Matt. 25:15. Now I have read and re-read this portion of scripture many times, and one thing just really jumped out at me this time that I read this verse again.
When the man that is mentioned gives to his servants the talents, (to one he gave five, to another he gave two, and to another he gave one), I noticed that the bible says that he gave them according to their "several ability". Now, I wondered just what the Lord was saying here. This is what the Lord gave me as I studied.
As to the one with five talents, according to his ability he must have been able to accomplish more with the ability that he had. The scripture says that he "went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents". The second servant did likewise, and of course we know that the other servant went and buried his because he was afraid of what might happen should he lose it or would not to be able to gain more for his lord. What stuck out to me was not the fact that the servant did nothing with his talent, but that each one had ability to do better only if they would apply it.
How often do we use the ability the Lord has given each of us? Not everyone, (man), is called to preach, not everyone, (man), is called to be an evangelist, and not everyone has the ability to carry a tune. What is amazing though is everyone does have the ability to do something to glorify God. It could be as simple as mowing the grass, or as simple as vacuuming the carpet at the church. It could be as simple as shaking a visitors hand and welcoming them to the service, or how about this, as simple as praying that God would bless the pastor and the members of his or her church.
It's amazing what abilities we really have if we would just stop and think for a moment, that we do not all have to be able to sing, or be able to teach a class to have an ability that God wants to use. He will use what ever we have if we give it to him freely and willfully. He took five loaves and two fish and fed over five thousand with plenty left over. WHAT COULD HE DO WITH US?
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Fishers of Men
Today we at the church are beginning our soul winning courses and have named these courses the "Fishers of Men" from Mark 1:17. I do ask for your prayers as we begin these courses.
I firmly believe that what is missing in a lot of good independent, fundamental baptist churches is the educational training that is so greatly needed today. We see through out the New Testament that Christ went about teaching and of course preaching not only to his disciples but to the multitudes that followed. We as Christians are to emulate Christ in every aspect of our lives and this is one area that we can do that. The preaching is no doubt the most important avenue of the church, however, those that are new Christians as well as those of us who have been saved for a while can and need to have the presence of teaching as well.
We just recently had a pastor from Tennessee that spoke to us, really taught, on the Muslim religion and what they believe from their Koran. He had an English version and read some of their beliefs. What an eye opener! We really do not know unless someone is willing to share what God has revealed unto them. Paul speaks of a mystery in 1 Cor. 15:51.
I firmly believe that what is missing in a lot of good independent, fundamental baptist churches is the educational training that is so greatly needed today. We see through out the New Testament that Christ went about teaching and of course preaching not only to his disciples but to the multitudes that followed. We as Christians are to emulate Christ in every aspect of our lives and this is one area that we can do that. The preaching is no doubt the most important avenue of the church, however, those that are new Christians as well as those of us who have been saved for a while can and need to have the presence of teaching as well.
We just recently had a pastor from Tennessee that spoke to us, really taught, on the Muslim religion and what they believe from their Koran. He had an English version and read some of their beliefs. What an eye opener! We really do not know unless someone is willing to share what God has revealed unto them. Paul speaks of a mystery in 1 Cor. 15:51.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Another Soul Saved
My youngest son was playing a game on the web last night, and its a game that allows you to interact with the other players in the game via messaging. He has been playing this same game for a while now, but has just recently started witnessing to the other players. With any type of stand, he has been met with some criticism but that is to be expected. Last night was different. He was talking to another player and began to witness to him, explaining the need to be saved and the way to be saved, and the young man accepted the Lord as his Saviour. Now I know that there will be some that will say that no one could be saved or even be led to the Lord in such a manner, but I say to them, be careful not to throw stones. Many people have been saved in such a manner. Was it not Paul who was called by God himself and to my recollection the only ones that was there with him were the other men who were on there way to persecute the church. I believe that there have been many saved or led to the Lord in such a manner.
We need to use the means possible to reach out to others with the gospel message. It is our duty unto God to spread the message.
We need to use the means possible to reach out to others with the gospel message. It is our duty unto God to spread the message.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Wednesday night message
What a great evening at the House of God. My message was about how Christ wants us to be good stewerds of fruit. I used the parable in Luke 13: 6-9 where Jesus spoke of the barren fig tree. As the owner of the tree continued to check the tree, for three years, he grew weary of the unfruitful condition of the tree and told the keeper to "cut it down". Not only was it unfruitful, but, it was also causing a problem with the ground, and affecting the vines in the vineyard. You see that when he uses the word "cumbered". However the condition, the keeper wanted to give the tree yet another chance and dig around it and "dung it", and how after this new nutrient was put to the root, to wait another year and see if would finally bear fruit.
How amazing the comparison that Jesus gave in relation to the fig tree of our own lives as well. How he gives chance after chance to bear fruit and how disappointed he is when he checks the tree and finds no fruit. We know that the Lord is forbearing and how he continually gives us the tools to bring forth friut, but we do not use the very tools that he gives. As the keeper, Christ will eventually begin to dig around the roots and condition the root. This may be in the form of a trial, or could be in the form of an illness, whatever he has to do to condition our root, he will do. He loves us enough to give us the opportunity to correct the situation before he has to intercede, but, I find that he loves us even more when he takes the time to condition the root. How amazing Christ really is to his childeren!!!
How amazing the comparison that Jesus gave in relation to the fig tree of our own lives as well. How he gives chance after chance to bear fruit and how disappointed he is when he checks the tree and finds no fruit. We know that the Lord is forbearing and how he continually gives us the tools to bring forth friut, but we do not use the very tools that he gives. As the keeper, Christ will eventually begin to dig around the roots and condition the root. This may be in the form of a trial, or could be in the form of an illness, whatever he has to do to condition our root, he will do. He loves us enough to give us the opportunity to correct the situation before he has to intercede, but, I find that he loves us even more when he takes the time to condition the root. How amazing Christ really is to his childeren!!!
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