It has been a long two weeks here in Kentucky. We lost power at the house on a Tuesday and have just now received the power back. Praise the Lord! My family and I have been staying with my mother at her apartment. We were cramped but thank the Lord we had a place to go. Many lost there power like us and had to stay several nights at local shelters, eating the infamous F.E.M.A. meals, which are really nothing more than military food. Of course the call came out to be careful and not eat the peanut butter,( I wounder just how many ate it before they made that call?). Now it's on to re-group and get things back in order.
During this time, I noticed the evil side of man as well as the good side. There were some who were threatening the utility workers if they did not receive their power, yet at the same time there were some who were doing all they could do to help one another out. Others were actually stealing peoples food and kerosene for their heaters, while others were helping fill each others tanks and loading it in the vehicle for them. Amazing how ones true colors come out during a time of crisis. It reminds me of the Apostle Paul and how in Romans 8 he talks of the Spirit and the flesh. Also how he himself had to battle the flesh in Romans 7. Bro. Paul tells us in Galatians 5: 16 & 17, that if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, and that the Spirit and the flesh "lusteth" against one another, meaning to have desires of different things. We are certain that this flesh whether saved or unsaved still has a sin nature, and if we are not careful we too will "fulfill the lust of the flesh". It is so easy to get aggravated at the circumstances and so easy to let minor things really bother us more than they should. We have to keep in mind who we are serving. We also have to keep in mind just how our actions have an affect on someone else around us negative or positive. If I could simply live by these simple rules of the Christian life, how much more of a witness could I be if I were to shine a light in the dark places of my life?
I know by reading Gods word that here we will never be perfect, and yes just as the saints of old had to deal with day to day problems physical and spiritual, we will have them as well. We will not always when every battle that we face, but Praise the Lord we will win the war!!
Please pray for those that are working on the power lines and for those that are still without power as well. I pray that the Lord will use this time to open the eyes of those that are still in the spiritual darkness.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
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I have been missing you and praying for you and all those affected by the storms.