Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fishers of Men

Today we at the church are beginning our soul winning courses and have named these courses the "Fishers of Men" from Mark 1:17. I do ask for your prayers as we begin these courses.

I firmly believe that what is missing in a lot of good independent, fundamental baptist churches is the educational training that is so greatly needed today. We see through out the New Testament that Christ went about teaching and of course preaching not only to his disciples but to the multitudes that followed. We as Christians are to emulate Christ in every aspect of our lives and this is one area that we can do that. The preaching is no doubt the most important avenue of the church, however, those that are new Christians as well as those of us who have been saved for a while can and need to have the presence of teaching as well.

We just recently had a pastor from Tennessee that spoke to us, really taught, on the Muslim religion and what they believe from their Koran. He had an English version and read some of their beliefs. What an eye opener! We really do not know unless someone is willing to share what God has revealed unto them. Paul speaks of a mystery in 1 Cor. 15:51.

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying for the classes.
    "Inspiration without education leads to frustration"
